How To Eliminate Unwanted Thoughts

Here is the entire Scripture passage:

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4~5)

“Don’t Think About A Pink Elephant!”
Have you ever played that silly game? Someone says, “Don’t think about a pink elephant”. And what happens? No matter how hard you try, you just cannot stop thinking about pink elephants!

Clearly, then, trying harder doesn’t work. (You probably already knew that, right?)

Actually, that “try-harder” thing is one of Satan’s favorite schemes to make us dance to his tune. It goes something like this:

  • Try harder…
  • Get it right…
  • Do it better…
  • Be perfect…
  • FAIL!!!
  • Start over.
  • Try harder…
  • Get it right…
  • … and so forth until you wear yourself out and give up.

The devil loves this! He knows that eventually you will fail. You will plunge into despair, doubt, fear, etc., as the unwanted thoughts resume their parade through the “video and audio” pathways of your mind. The unwanted thoughts bind you, and you become their prisoner once again.

None of that has to happen!
A Reader Comment

Here is an actual comment from someone who read this article:

This is a blessing for me. I have been having horrible thoughts for a month now. I have offended the Lord and treated Him horribly. But I always say sorry then have the same recurring horrible thoughts. And I “try harder” to stop these thoughts instead of arming myself with the Word of God. Thank you for this article it truly is a blessing. I pray that God will forgive me for all I have done and that these horrible thoughts will go away permanently. God bless you/

My Goal: To Show You Four Things:
  1. Here’s What Works: The permanent solution: replace unwanted thoughts with God’s thoughts.
  2. What God Promises: What His Word says you can do about unwanted thoughts.
  3. Why This Is Important: Why and how are these unwanted thoughts tormenting you?
  4. How To Get Relief: How YOU CAN take hold of the relief God has promised!
#1) Here’s What Works
This true anecdote illustrates the concept: replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
I know a man whose life is really messed up. He has fallen on very hard times. He has lost his job, lost his family, and lost his peace and joy. No surprise, then, that his mind is plagued with all kinds of unwanted thoughts.

His one activity that he enjoys is playing football. Although he is about 50 years old, he keeps himself in remarkably good physical condition, so he can participate in a semi-pro football league.

One day I asked him, “When you’re in the middle of a game, and you’re staring down an opponent as you wait for the ball to be snapped, where are those unwanted thoughts then?”

He looked at me with astonishment! “They’re gone!”, he exclaimed.

“You have”, I replied, “just proven that it is possible to be free from the torment of unwanted thoughts!”.

Here’s why: As he concentrated on what he was about to do to his opponent, those football thoughts crowded out all of his negative unwanted thoughts. For a little while at least, he was free!

Of course in his case, the freedom only lasted until the game was over. Then all that burden flooded right back into his mind.

Here’s what I said to him next:

“You need a permanent solution. You need to have an arsenal of thoughts that you can instantly call to mind, thoughts that are so powerful they will easily and continually push out all the unwanted thoughts. This is the supernatural solution to your supernatural problem!”

Good News: Such a solution exists. God has it, and He offers it to you.
#2) What God Promises

Let me re-state the main text from the top of this article, and then show you the details:

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4~5)

Here are the details
  • destroy arguments — arguments take place in your mind.
  • every lofty opinion — opinions take place in your mind.
  • the knowledge of God — takes place in your mind.
  • take every thought captive — thoughts take place in your mind.

Wouldn’t you agree: Paul is saying that the Word of God has divine power, and that this power built into the Word of God is our supernatural weapon against all the lies, accusations, and torments that Satan would otherwise be allowed to inflict upon us!

Paul also wrote:

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

11 For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. 12 For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:11~12)

By using the power God has put into His Word, you and I can take unwanted thoughts captive, rather than having the unwanted thoughts taking us captive!

Scriptures Showing The Power In The Word of God

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

The Word of God seems foolish to many. In reality, it contains the power of God!

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV)

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16)

4 for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

That’s what God inspired Paul to write to us about taking unwanted thoughts captive.

Key Principle:

Our weapon against the devil is the Word of God.

When you choose to partner with God and begin to arm yourself against the devil by internalizing (memorizing) even just a few Bible verses, He extends His Divine “protective shield” around you.

The Holy Spirit becomes the gatekeeper of your mind!

That is what God has promised to those who choose to partner with Him.

#3) Why This Is Important:
Here is the main thing you need to know about unwanted thoughts:
Unwanted thoughts are almost always from the devil.

Unwanted thoughts that have come into your mind such as:

  • Unwanted thoughts of Lust
  • Negative emotions: (anger, rage, revenge, etc.)
  • Unwanted thoughts of despair: (worry, doubt, panic, fear, etc.)
  • Unwanted thoughts that have you putting yourself down: (“I’m such a looser”; “nobody cares about me”; “I can’t do anything right” etc.)
Those unwanted thoughts and many others are all very likely put into your mind by a demon.
Why Does God Allow This?

Here’s why: it’s because we have a free will. God did not intend to create robotic worshipers that are hard-wired to say what He wants to hear. He wants genuine worshipers.

Job 1:6-22
Satan Allowed to Test Job

6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. 7 The Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” 8 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?” 9 Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for no reason? 10 Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. 11 But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” 11 And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

Satan Takes Jobs Property and Children

13 Now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brothers house, 14 and there came a messenger to Job and said, “The oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them, 15 and the Sabeans fell upon them and took them and struck down the servants with the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you.” 16 While he was yet speaking, there came another and said, “The fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell you.” 17 While he was yet speaking, there came another and said, “The Chaldeans formed three groups and made a raid on the camels and took them and struck down the servants with the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you.” 18 While he was yet speaking, there came another and said, “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brothers house, 19 and behold, a great wind came across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young people, and they are dead, and I alone have escaped to tell you.”

20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. 21 And he said, “Naked I came from my mothers womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.

The Testing Of Jobs Faith Continues In Chapter 2:
Job 2:1-10
Satan Attacks Jobs Health

1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” 3 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.” 4 Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life. 5 But stretch out your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse you to your face.” 6 And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life.”

7 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. 8 And he took a piece of broken pottery with which to scrape himself while he sat in the ashes.

9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” 10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

In spite of all that, it is possible to be free from unwanted thoughts.
But How??
#4) How To Get Relief:

Here’s how: by partnering with God and thus apply the power of His Word.

Here are a couple of clues. This is all about what comes into your mind:

…For as he thinks in his heart, so is he… (Proverbs 23:7a AMP)

I’ll say it again: this is all about what comes into your mind. That’s the battleground. God would love for you to partner with Him so that He can help rid your mind of unwanted thoughts.

…be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2b)

The process in not by “trying harder” to stop unwanted thoughts. Instead, challenge the source of the unwanted thoughts by filtering them through the “grid” of the Word of God.

Is it a thought that would draw you nearer to God? Or is it instead a thought from the pit of hell. When you know you are “hearing” unwanted thoughts from the devil, you can remove them — or rather, allow God to remove them — using the power of His Word.

Paul described the weapons of our warfare in the Book of Ephesians. As you can see, Paul says nothing about “trying harder”. Rather, he talks about using principles of the Word of God.

The Whole Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. (Ephesians 6:10~20)

You And I Have A Part In The Solution

Jesus Himself demonstrated for us how to do the part that He wants you (and me and all of His followers) to do. After fasting for forty days, Satan tried to tempt Jesus. But each time, Jesus deflected the temptation by quoting from Scripture. You can read the details of this encounter here:

Note the underlined text:

The Temptation of Jesus

4 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And after fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry. 3 And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” 4 But He answered, “It is written,

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

5 Then the devil took Him to the holy city and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written,

“‘He will command His angels concerning you,’


“‘On their hands they will bear You up, lest You strike Your foot against a stone.’”

7 Jesus said to him, “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 8 Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these I will give You, if You will fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written,

“‘You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.’”

11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to Him.

(Matthew 4:1~11)

I’m just thinking here…

If Jesus — who created the universe — chose to quote the Word of God in order to put the devil in his place…

What would make me think that I could overcome the devil all by myself without any help from God??

Satan and his demons tempt us by putting thoughts into our minds. Their purpose is to trick us into doing things that lead us away from God and ultimately to hell.

But it doesn’t have to happen that way. With God’s help, you can live free from the torment of unwanted thoughts that don’t belong in your mind.

BUT… you can’t stop these unwanted thoughts by your own strength for very long. You need help from God. And He has promised to help you as a Christian believer.

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4~5}

The key passage should give you great hope.

  • First of all, we know that God inspired the apostle Paul to write that passage. That means God wanted you to know this.
  • Second: because it’s in the Bible, it’s possible! You CAN keep unwanted thoughts out… IF you are a Bible believing Christian.
  • Third: it shows us that we need God’s help to banish unwanted thoughts permanently!

Satan and his legions of demons come to us uninvited. God allows that because of he has given us a free will. We must choose to believe in Him and follow Him. That’s why He didn’t make programmed robots that speak programmed words.

But because we have a free will, we have to ask God for His help.

There is a part that you must do when you partner with God. When you do your part, God will do the part that only He can do.

Here are some things I have learned about controlling the thoughts that go into my mind. It’s all biblical and very effective. I write them with the desire that they would be spread widely around and used by Christian believers everywhere. We need Him. This is so serious!

13 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13~14)

Here’s What To Do
Start by choosing to believe God.

Trust Him that He will never ask you to do something that you cannot do. He will always make available to you the resources to accomplish what He has commanded. But he won’t do the part that you can do.

Ultimately, He wants your permission to allow Him to accomplish His work here on this earth through you. Don’t hold back any longer. Give yourself to Him… and He’ll do things through you that you cannot imagine.

I urge you to read, study, and begin to learn and apply the thoughts and Scriptures written here. Ask God to help you apply them into your life. If you’ll do that, I can assure you on the authority of the Word of God, He will set you free from the torment of thoughts you know should not be in your mind.

ALSO: Confess all known sin!

8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:8~9)

Satan is counting on us to ignore verse 9 above, and NOT confess our sins.

He knows that as long as we are out of fellowship with God the door is wide open for him to get permission to torment us.

Read the next Scripture and you’ll see how that happens.

Note the underlined text:

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. (Revelation 12:10)

This cycle of Temptation > Accusation > Torment goes on and on, day and night. While we are out of fellowship with God, we give Satan an opportunity to accuse us in the court of heaven and get permission to torment us.

It all comes down to knowing His Word. Jesus said:

31bIf you remain in My Word, you will truly be My disciples; 32 and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” (John 8:31b~32)

That implies that if we choose not to remain in His Word, we won’t be set free! Instead, we will remain in bondage to the devil!

God is asking you to take a step of faith, first by reading this post, then by choosing to believe it and act as would a person who truly believes that these things could become a reality in their life. It may seem impossible to you, but that’s where faith begins, right? If you could see all the dots connected, it wouldn’t be faith. I believe God deliberately sets things up that way. He wants you to surrender to Him. It’s time to do that. Read this, then… DO IT!

Seven Things To Consider:

1 GOOD NEWS: It truly is possible to live free from thoughts you do not want to have in your mind! You CAN be successful! You CAN!!

This includes lustful thoughts (which, if not captured and banished quickly, will soon lead to lustful actions.)

Especially for us men, it’s critically important that we take hold of this. God’s Word commands us to come up to a higher level of holiness. At the gym where I work out, there are sometimes young, attractive women dressed very provocatively. I can’t begin to count the number of times I have whispered the following Scripture to myself:

I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? (Job 31:1)

And is there anywhere a man who has not done what Jesus is speaking of in the next verse?

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28)

But here’s the “Good News” part:
God never commands us to do something without giving us the means to do it.

However, we have to do it His way. As is often true, there is a part that we have to do before God will do the part only He can do. It’s that last part — where God helps us AFTER we’ve done our part — that we need.
Which brings us to the next point:


BUT: You cannot do it on your own by “trying harder”.

That “try-harder” thing is a main component of Satan’s “gospel”. It doesn’t work for very long; eventually, it always fails. Then Satan uses your failure to condemn you; to make you feel like a loser. You try again, and the cycle repeats. You become discouraged and you ultimately quit. Very bad plan!

This may appear to contradict item 1, but it really doesn’t. It just means you can’t be victorious on your own. You need supernatural help. SO…


REALLY GOOD NEWS: God longs to partner with you to help you live a life of victory.

Because you have a free will, God will not force His help upon you. You have to ask Him.

In order to partner with you, God requires your obedience. It does no good to try to shut the devil out in one area of your life, while simultaneously opening doors for him in other areas.


BUT… you must submit to God’s authority in ALL areas of life.

James wrote, “Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

You have to put first things first: submit to God first, then with the power of His Spirit, you can easily resist the devil.

God Wants Our Obedience

I made a list of areas in which I want to be obedient to God. This is probably not a comprehensive list, and I am definitely not doing them perfectly:

  • attitude
  • anger
  • blaming
  • complaining
  • compromise
  • contentment
  • covetousness
  • defiance
  • discipline
  • clothing choices
  • entertainment choices
  • envy
  • excuses - vs. taking ownership
  • food choices
  • haughty vs. humble heart
  • love
  • parenting
  • patience
  • physical fitness
  • pride
  • procrastination
  • rebellion
  • resentment
  • relationship based on performance vs. acceptance
  • repentance
  • revenge
  • Scripture memory
  • selfishness
  • stewardship (financial, time, talent etc.)
  • stubbornness
  • ungodly or lustful thoughts and actions
  • unbelief - vs.trusting God
  • unforgiveness

What He is really watching for is steady progress in the right direction. He wants us to voluntarily come under His authority. In other words, He wants us to submit ourselves to God


MORE GOOD NEWS — (which doesn’t look like good news at first): there isn’t a “quick-fix” for this. It’s going to take time. You have to do the part that you can do before God will do the part only He can do.

This is spiritual warfare, and you have to learn some things first. You need to equip yourself with Bible principles. As you do so, you must make up your mind — set your mind — to choose to respond by using those “weapons” throughout every day.

Here’s where many Christians lose the battle. They haven’t adequately equipped themselves with “The sword of the Spirit, the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).

Simply Stated, Here’s The “How-To”:
This is what works: fill your mind so full of God’s thoughts (that’s what Bible verses are) that the devil cannot get a word in edgewise!

When you “submit to God “ (James 4:7) and “renew your mind” (Romans 12:2), be prepared to be astonished! God will “manifest Himself to you” (John 14:21).

As you systematically feed on the Word of God (see Matthew 4:4), you will come alive spiritually. The power of God will begin to operate in you, because the Word of God IS God!! (see John 1:1).

Acts 1:8 says, “You will receive power, which the Bible defines as “…more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit to meet this evil tendency…) (James 4:6 AMP). Then you’ll be able to “Take every thought captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The Holy Spirit becomes the gatekeeper of your mind!


START SMALL if you must — but START!!

If you’ve done little or no Scripture learning, start out with one or two short verses written on recipe cards; read them as little as once a day; takes just a minute or two. It may take days or even weeks. Let it take time. Eventually, you will be able to recite them by heart.

A couple of supporting Scriptures for you: Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” Deuteronomy 6:6 says, “These words which, I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart…”

Anyone who can read can do this. If you find yourself thinking you don’t have time for that, it’s time to review your priorities.

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, God has given you “…a sound mind”. Indeed, 1 Corinthians 2:16 says you have “… the mind of Christ”. If you can remember your name, your address, your phone number, your Social Security number, the names and birthdays of your family members, etc., you can do this. If you’re not doing this or something like this to learn Scripture, at least be honest before God and admit, “I WON’T!!”

When the devil is messing with your mind, fight back with these verses:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2)

The above verse refers to how God is always with you, especially during difficult times. The metaphors of “water” and “fire” refer to our trials in life.

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4b)

In the above verse, “He who is in you” of course refers to God. “He who is in the world” refers to the devil. The idea is: God is more powerful than all the demons combined.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? (Psalm 56:3~4)

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. 26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:25~26)


Jesus said, Whoever is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23)

The whole Kingdom of Heaven and the whole kingdom of hell are watching to see which choice you make.

God has given each of us a multiple-choice test.

But look: He’s also given us the correct answer! I’ve underlined it:

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deuteronomy  30:19)

You have a free will; you have a SOUND MIND!! But you have to make the decision.

Make it a good one!!

- Jan


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{ 483 comments… add one }
  • Shannon 06/21/2023, 12:30 PM

    I want to thank you for this article. I am new to the belief in God but every day my faith grows stronger. Every now and again when I feel strong and ready to do gods work, I am hindered with intrusive thoughts that come about on their own and I have struggled to keep them at bay without them running wild in my head. Before I read this, I was analysing the ‘why’ and came to the exact conclusion your article has. The thoughts are put their on purpose to push me off the path of God, and I am…

    Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 12/18/2023, 6:38 PM

      Shannon It makes me so glad that something I wrote has helped you

      Reply Link
  • Ema Jones 11/26/2022, 10:26 AM

    I have had so many unwanted thoughts lately. and you are right. sometimes they go away! but not permenently. so we just have to ACCEPT who is OUR God and that Jesus Christ is our savior and remove all the “try harder” thoughts and go to Jesus to remplace all the overwelming thoughts with Gods word (the bible) and all those what if’s and fears Go away!

    Reply Link
  • Jenny 08/28/2022, 5:45 PM

    Thank you so much for this page
    This has helped me so much and it makes complete sense. The Word is the Truth (shield), and the Way to Heavenly Father’s eternal Kingdom of Life through His Son our Savior’s name Yahoshua. I have had such a battle of thinking I would never be chosen, etc.. Then I read this page and I realized wait! I am loved and filled with His mercy. There are so many testimonies from the old and new testament that Heavenly Father tried so much to have so many people repent…

    Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 09/10/2022, 3:15 PM

      Jenny, what a privilege it is to allow God to work through me to help you (and many others) to break free from the lies of the devil

      James R (Jan) Smith

      Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 09/10/2022, 3:15 PM

      Jenny, what a privilege it is to allow God to work through me to help you (and many others) to break free from the lies of the devil

      James R (Jan) Smith

      Reply Link
  • Gole 06/26/2022, 2:59 PM

    I am transformed by this lesson. Glory to God

    Reply Link
  • gloria 05/11/2022, 10:46 AM

    Need more than redeeming have failed terribly and it sounds so simply but are some of us from consequences struggle with seeing the light. What advice can you give me to feel God’s peace again it seems my guilt and lack of discipline continues to hold me will my children and family suffer the wrath as well? how can I avoid my family paying for my sins?

    Reply Link
  • James Graham 04/19/2022, 12:40 PM

    I am a faithful Christian and I love our Lord. I suffer with anxiety at times and get unwanted and disturbing unclean thoughts about Him. I have prayed about this in earnest and I believe He is listening. These thoughts actually cause me stress where I get considerable pain in my arthritic lower back. Now when these awful unwanted thoughts from the Evil One enter my mind, I say “God is good”. and move on. It seems to be helping me. I know this sounds crazy, but that’s what has been bothering…

    Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 06/06/2022, 11:30 AM

      James, what you are doing is exactly right!! Satan and his demons flee in terror when you so much as mention the name of God.
      They know they are losing their grip on your life. Their plan was to take you to hell with them.
      BUT:Now that you know the Truth, you are set FREE

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  • Penny Buckmaster 04/07/2022, 6:41 PM

    I have had evil thoughts about even my family how can I look at them I miss them.This has been going on for a couple years

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  • Juanna 03/23/2022, 7:17 PM

    i have had unwanted evil thoughts about ppl even family this is scary and it has been years, i am afraid i will always be this way , time is so short now, but when i see them do i started thinking the word of God right then? it is so hard,and overwhelming, prayers pls thank you

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  • Kristen 02/01/2022, 6:20 AM

    Why won’t God take away my intrusive thoughts? I have prayed and prayed and prayed and they won’t go away. I am being tormented

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  • dii 10/06/2021, 11:12 PM

    Thank you i knw the lord will walk with me through these hard times i really needed this my mind takes over and i panic i search for got to help me with these things. Again i thank you. May God bless you on your journey (Amen)

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    • dii 10/06/2021, 11:14 PM


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    • Jan Smith 10/28/2021, 9:43 AM

      dii: I’m happy that God has used me to pour His wisdom from mw into your life.

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  • Bemmy 06/27/2021, 6:49 PM

    Thank you so much.. ?
    I need it now.. I hope u wrote this passage only because God wanted me to read it in this situation ….. Praise be to God?

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    • Truth 06/29/2021, 11:42 PM

      Your thoughts can and will be used against you. You may believe you will be understood by others but no you will not. They will never understand that your thoughts are uncontrollable and not what you truly believe so I hope you get your thoughts under control. ?

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  • Bemmy 06/27/2021, 6:43 PM

    Thank you so much.. ?
    I need it now.. I hope u wrote this passage only because God wanted me to read it in this situation ….. Praise be to God?

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  • Ruth 04/22/2021, 4:47 AM

    I am trying to read the Word of God, but when I read it I get evil thoughts about how I can’t trust God. I am worried those are my thoughts and I keep trying to use the word I have learnt to rebuke it but I feel that the thoughts I have are making my trust falter. But I never want to give up on my father even though I am tormented to. I Love God I know that but my mind does not resonate with my heart.

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    • Jan Smith 04/22/2021, 9:07 PM

      Ruth, all those negative thoughts are being put into your mind by the devil.
      Put God’s thoughts (Scripture) into your mind, and the power of His Word will push the devil’s lies out of your mind. Memorize just a few verses of Scripture, and you’ll see what I mean.

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  • Patricia 04/06/2021, 10:59 AM

    Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world came to mind. (John 16:33). We can use this “sword” against Satan & the despair, depression & negative thoughts. Jesus said He’ll never leave us or forsake us!!

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    • Jan Smith 04/07/2021, 10:32 AM

      Patricia, GREAT comment!! You’ve nailed it!

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    • virginia I was first cousin to her husband,Clairborne 05/20/2021, 8:41 PM

      i have read and read and read the Word and i may have one day every now and then where i am free from these devilish thoughts.i know God and His Word is true and works but i am having a hard time,please pray for me.

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  • Jummai Shaibu 03/23/2021, 11:38 AM

    You just saved a soul from totally giving up today…May God replenish your wisdom. Thank you so much ?? May God strengthen you more. I shall come back to testify soon by God’s grace.

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    • Jan Smith 03/27/2021, 10:50 AM

      Jummai, I am so happy to know that you read my article and that it helped you. Of course, as we know, it’s not my wisdom. God is the author of all wisdom. It’s a delight to serve you, because – according to the Bible – I’m also serving our Lord Christ. (see Colossians 3:23-24)

      23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

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  • Justin West 02/23/2021, 2:43 AM

    Ive been really struggeling for these past 2 to 3 months,ive been following Jesus intimately for 2 years since i got born again and one day everything was fine and all of a suden that next day out of nowhere all of these thoughts of doubt and unbelieve bombarded me and i have no idead why it happend ,but from that day its just been this whole fight and i try to speak to other believers but i dont think they understand what im going through,its like everytime i think about anything of God theres…

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    • Paula 03/23/2021, 10:48 PM

      I would like to read/hear the rest of this message. How can I do that?

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    • Paula 03/23/2021, 10:54 PM

      I would like to hear the rest of what Justin West has to say.

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    • Ruth 04/22/2021, 4:42 AM

      I would like to read the rest of the message too

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  • Priscillia John 12/20/2020, 10:25 AM

    Sir, I have gone for deliverance countless times but end up going back home the same way I came, I yearn for God, I want God, I want to serve him but all the time I feel neglected because I have prayed countless times about my constant dream about snakes but it still comes, I wanto change my ways and turn out to be what people didn’t expect, I want people to look at me in shock because of the way I follow God, how do I overcome these dreams, this voices in my head anytime I try to focus on God…

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  • Susanah Schmidt 12/18/2020, 5:53 PM

    I agree that replacing my own thoughts with God’s thoughts is an excellent thing and very much needed for every believer in Jesus Christ. This was a good reminder. However, while I do not pretend to fully understand these things (not even close), I fail to see how God allowing a separate entity (the demon) to literally insert thoughts into my mind against my will is because I have free will. That is the opposite of free will.

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    • Jan Smith 01/02/2021, 10:53 AM

      Hi Susanah,
      What you don’t realize is that God’s Word is demon repellent.
      When you saturate your mind with God’s thoughts (the Bible)
      the devil can’t get his thoughts into your mind.
      Good and evil cannot coexist. But you have to choose.
      Make the right choice! Don’t let the devil win!!

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  • Jayla 12/07/2020, 2:47 PM

    Honestly this helped ALOT , I’m going a young girl that goes thru bad thoughts and letting the devil come in my mind but I don’t want that anymore so I came to this , I will read this as many times I need to so the thoughts can stop and I can learn more .??

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  • Muna 11/20/2020, 3:10 PM

    Hi Mr. Smith,
    I just want to share what’s going on in my life. I was exposed to pornography at a very young age (at around 7 or 8). I keep watching until I was about 11 or 12. I just turned 13 about 2 months ago. I’ve already confessed to God what I’ve done and I’ve told Him that I’m sorry for my actions and behaviors and that I’m willing to change with His help. But now, I’m stuck with lustful thoughts. I keep getting these thoughts and I keep asking God to keep my mind from these thoughts…

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    • Jan Smith 11/20/2020, 10:24 PM

      Muna, the only way to get rid of those thoughts is by putting God’s “thoughts” into your mind.
      I am referring to memorizing Scripture. God’s Word is pure Truth, and the demons that are causing you to think those thoughts are liars.
      Lies and Truth cannot be in the same place at the same time. Try putting God’s thoughts into your mind.
      That is our only defense against the liars from hell. I urge you to try memorizing Scripture.

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  • virginia chambers 11/10/2020, 5:17 PM

    do you have all of this in a book as i need it so much?

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    • Jan Smith 11/18/2020, 10:24 AM

      Virginia, I am working on getting many of these articles published in book form.

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  • Amina 11/04/2020, 9:33 PM

    I count myself favored by God to have found this article. I am constantly sinning and feel ashamed to always beg God for forgiveness. I just want it all to stop. Thank you for showing me the path I have been blind to. May God grant me the grace to finish the race . Amen

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    • Jan Smith 11/18/2020, 6:19 PM

      Amina, God’s grace is more than enough to cover whatever you have done in the past.
      And, if the devil keeps reminding you of your past, just remind him of his future!!

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      • PH 06/07/2021, 9:28 AM

        “If the devil keeps reminding you of your past, remind him of his future”
        That statement is pure gold. I’m going to use it – I hope it’s not copyright.
        I just love it – well said!!!

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        • Jan Smith 06/11/2021, 9:59 AM

          PH: I’m glad you liked that statement, and think of it as pure gold
          That statement is not copyrighted, I got it from someone else.

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  • funmi 10/23/2020, 8:51 AM

    This is powerful, I realized now that instead on focusing on the word of God. I have been trying to drive the thoughts out myself and it has failed me. Thank you sir for the post.

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  • Joseph 10/14/2020, 4:13 PM

    Hello sir thank you sir and may God continue to uphold you am 16 sir please how can you discern God’s voice and the voice of your thoughts, imagination, worries and the devil’s

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    • Jan Smith 11/18/2020, 9:34 PM

      Joseph, I struggled with those same things in the past.
      But after I discovered what the Bible teaches, and began putting God’s words into my mind, I found that I was no longer tormented by thoughts put into my mind by the devil. What I’m suggesting us that you memorize some Scripture. God’s Word is demon repellent. Demons, being liars, cannot stand the presence of Truth.
      Try it and see for yourself. That’s what I (and many others) have done!!

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  • Joseph 10/14/2020, 4:10 PM

    Thank you sir and may God continue to uphold you am 16 and sir please how can you easily discern God’s voice and that of your thoughts, worries, imagination and the devil’s

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  • Melissa 10/12/2020, 7:24 PM

    I am so thankful for this information I thought I was the only one going through these type of things as a follower in Christ. I struggle with the thought that God would not forgive for my evil thoughts that I don’t want to have evil thought for any, it just happens. I also struggle to talk to the Lord in prayer sometimes, I need help on the topic of how to pray without trying to imagine what the Lord looks like. It’s not like I use a picture or a statue when I pray, my mind just has a habit…

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  • Fruit 10/08/2020, 7:35 PM

    I am blessed through what you shared already,I highly Thank GOD Almighty for using you in sharing this informative advises with us,May God increase you in all you do!Amen

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    • Jan Smith 10/12/2020, 10:27 AM

      Fruit, it is my privilege to share with you the wisdom that our Almighty God has so patiently put into me!!
      Thank you for your comment!! – Jan

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  • Natalia 10/01/2020, 12:13 AM

    This is helpful! Also I read an article a couple months back and it appeared back into my mind that the devil doesn’t attack our minds and there’s no scriptures backing it up and now I’m so confused and I’m dealing with negative thoughts making it seem that I want to go against God.

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  • Saskia van der Velden 09/07/2020, 2:51 AM

    Wow, we in Christ are way more powerful than we think. Personally, i’ve started a while ago to at least one or two times a day, focus on Christ His thoughts. I can’t begin to explain how good His thoughts are. But have a long way to go. It really is mindblowing how good He is. Thank you so much for sharing with us the above. May our heavenly Father bless you abundantly for blessing us. Amen.

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  • Joni Atkins 08/26/2020, 8:28 AM

    Thank you so much for letting God use you to help others like me! I have battled with thoughts for years but this information is extremely helpful Thank you so much and God bless!

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    • James Smith 08/26/2020, 10:15 AM

      Joni, God put me here for the purpose of helping other people – just as others have helped me!
      We are all in this together. I’m so glad I was able to help you today.

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  • CHILD OF GOD 08/15/2020, 7:59 PM


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    • Jan Smith 08/17/2020, 12:22 PM

      Tiffany, thank you for your blessing over me!
      It’s a privilege to be able to help fellow believers!!
      I know that you would do the same for me!!

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  • Pamela Gray 08/10/2020, 7:50 AM

    Would you please send me a couple of scriptures for freedom of ocd and anxiety, pstd?to stand against those thoughts, thank you God bless you.

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    • Jan Smith 08/13/2020, 12:18 PM

      Hi, Pamela. The scriptures you need are already in this article.
      Paul wrote about “taking thoughts captive”.
      Go back and read again what I wrote, and then do it.

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  • Michael 07/26/2020, 1:53 AM

    Hey so I’ve been going threw a lot lately not physically but mentally, I know about the gospel and I was raised in church but I took a break when I was like 17, to now 23 and I’m trying to get back to church.. but I have so many negative thoughts in my head stuff that I thought I would never in my life think about.. I been praying and praying but i feel like god hears me but at the same time the devil keeps trying to fight me.. when I try to pray negative thoughts come to my mind.. I stop…

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  • kay 07/11/2020, 4:17 PM

    Thank you and Bless you.

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  • Charity 07/01/2020, 10:57 AM

    Thanks to God fr using u talk to me….I have been having negative thoughts that something want to happen to me and I am afraid I was going to die…. though d doctor says is anxiety disorder and the symptoms are scary, though i have surrendered my life to Christ and he has been helping me ….I pray that am free from fear , worry n anxiety…. Thanks from Nigeria

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  • Elton 06/26/2020, 6:28 PM

    I feel finished and down. since i read the passage about blsphemy against the Holy Spirit, my mind keeps pushing me to insulting God. when i think i am typing this after all of that and yet God has not killed me for all of those, I’m in tears for I don’t know feel counted as His child after all of that. I read through all the page; any further help will be a blessing to me.

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    • Brittany 01/20/2022, 4:37 PM

      Hey Elton I deal with thus your not alone. Don’t be afraid of these thoughts. Know God loves you always even if these thoughts come. There evil impressions and the flesh our old nature. Reject them and use God’s word. Praise Him He already won. Believe your free from them by Jesus Blood. Read this article memorize the scripture.

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  • Mo 06/25/2020, 8:12 PM

    Okay. Please delete some of my posts. Please. I posted a lot and I’m really embarrssed.

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  • Morea 06/25/2020, 7:51 PM

    I gotta be honest, I feel a bit embarrassed by exposing myself in my posts.

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  • Morea 06/25/2020, 2:42 PM

    If you are struggling with the thought of past images…
    A few phrases that help me: my sin died with Jesus on the cross; Satan constantly reminds us of our past because he is afraid of our future
    Idek if my email is right… lol

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  • Morea 06/25/2020, 2:36 PM

    I’ve found that singing good songs anytime a impure thought comes to mind helps. I read that telling other people help too (Atleast in my case) I told my mom, or more I told her that I was struggling with my thoughts bc of previous impure images I had seen. Telling someone else helps greatly, and they might be able to help you and/or comfort you. In my case it was watching porn, so you can imagine that took A LOT of confidence. So I believe that whatever is on your mind that may be troubling…

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  • Morea 06/25/2020, 2:33 PM

    I’m not sure if this will add to my previous comment, but if it does, then I must tell you how by child I mean hat I just turned 13 and all the things I said happened even earlier (so as you can imagine at a young age). The images will forever scar my mind, but my question is, how do I heal from it? Praying more often and reading things like this seems to help, but how do I fully heal. Can and should I forget that I ever saw those images? As I try to move on my brain is automatically beginning…

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    • Jan Smith 06/30/2020, 9:50 PM

      Morea, please forgive me for not reading your comments sooner.
      You didn’t need to go into detail. I know exactly what you are talking about.
      Here’s what’s going on, in the invisible realm, which we cannot see.
      Satan and his demons want you to continue focusing on those thoughts for the rest of your life.
      Here are 3 things I urge you to do:
      1) Go to God and repent of having looked at what you saw. He will forgive you.
      2) Ask God to for strength to overcome thoughts that you don’t want.
      3) Begin doing the things I described in the article you read.
      The forces of evil what you to believe that you can never be free from those thoughts.
      BUT: they are liars, and because the opposite of a lie is the truth, you can be sure that when you put Truth from God’s Word into your mind, as Jesus said: “you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!!”

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  • Morea 06/25/2020, 2:27 PM

    I’m going to go right out and say it. I used to watch porn. It wasn’t a daily thing, I had watched it maybe a few times but the images still stuck. Afterward I fell into a depression from the despair I felt. And what made me even sadder was the fact that all this happened while I am still a child. I felt like I took my own purity and unisex end and that God would no longer love me as one of his children. I have become good at banishing bad thoughts from my mind, but they still come often. I ask…

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  • Cody 06/05/2020, 5:11 AM

    I wouldn’t want to be learning more about him. I pray that I grow much more in Christ that way i can fend off the devil’s attacks and quote scripture when these thoughts come into my mind!

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  • Cody Bracamonte 06/05/2020, 5:10 AM

    I’ve been struggling with unwanted negative thoughts. I love God and I know there is a part of me that does, yet i get thoughts of wanting to say i hate him yet i don’t. These thoughts are 100% from the devil and I know that yet I dwell on them and give them too much power to the point where they interfere with my day and even interfere with me being able to sleep. I need to arm myself with the scriptures that way I can say these verses when these thoughts show up. I’m also attacked with…

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  • Jacob 06/05/2020, 2:27 AM

    Thank you so much for this article! It’s very reassuring to know that other people face this too! You are a huge blessing! May God our Savior bless you in return!

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  • Anna marie mendoza 05/25/2020, 11:19 PM

    Thank you for this helpful article.. I was so overthink lately, so many unwanted thoughts. I dont know what im going to do.. I feel sinking and lost.. Dont know how to move out this situation.

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    • Jan Smith 05/27/2020, 12:09 PM

      Anna, you are being tortured by Satan or by his demons. Your condition that you have described is exactly what I – if I were the devil – would want you to be in.
      Here is what I want you to do: get our your Bible, and begin reading the Gospel of John out loud. I recommend reading out loud because in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus said “He who hears you, hears Me…” (Luke 10:16a). God’s spoken Word is demon repellent. The demonic forces of hell do not want you to do this. They cannot tell the difference between Jesus speaking His Word, or you speaking the Word of God. Lies and Truth cannot coexist in the same place. God’s Word is your weapon against the wicked forces if evil. I urge you begin speaking God’s Word throughout each day. Do it, and come back and let us know how it’s going!

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  • None 05/19/2020, 8:04 PM

    i was glad to find this article because i was afraid i was abnormal for sometimes having intrusive thoughts that were not lining up with Christianity and I’m glad I’m not because i truly feared that i had somehow became evil and felt suicidal due to that. But I feel much better after finding this and no longer feel that way now that i know i have not like strayed away from God

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  • Sathish 05/12/2020, 11:24 AM

    Good powerfully message thanks
    but there is a little corruption that is Philippians 4:8 not 5:8 as that you mention above !
    God bless you !amen

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    • Jan Smith 05/12/2020, 11:47 AM

      Sathish, GREAT CATCH!! You really know your Bible!! Thank you SO MUCH!!
      Here’s what astonishes me: I published that article in December of 2012. Since then, that article has now been viewed 147,574 times. You are the only person who noticed that error! Or if others saw it, they didn’t bother to tell me. THANK YOU!!

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  • Tosin 05/10/2020, 7:20 AM

    I appreciate the message so much and I pray that God will bless you too and water you in return in Jesus name. I pray all I have learnt will work for me in Jesus name. Amen

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  • April 04/27/2020, 4:10 AM

    I believe I have ocd scrupolosity. Intrusive thoughts come on rapid fire all day. Probably hundreds of times each day. From what I read it’s a chemical imbalance. I know you said to confess your sin to God, but I find myself confessing every few minutes. Then the thought will just come back again and again and again. It’s like it feeds it. What should I do? I feel like I’m going crazy with all the confessing. I feel like it’s taking over my life. I have no joy of Worship. It feels like a chore…

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    • Laine 09/15/2021, 6:20 PM

      Thank you so much for your message, Jan. I hope this help many people, and it looks like it has! April, I’m in the same boat. Worship may seem iffy, with the repetitive lyrics, over and over and over again. I feel this way. I think God as attended us to worship in many different ways, for example doing good work for others, loving people with all your heart, and giving thanks to God’s grace. I hope you get this message, and it helps you.

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  • Bonga 04/18/2020, 2:53 AM

    Hie thank you so much for this wonderful article ,it does speak to me.Since i have started living a dedicated Christian life by Gods grace .I have managed to over come sexual sins of which i was struggling with for a long time ,it is now the thing of the past.I now struggle alot with the uninvited thoughts and imaginations of my past sins ,i don’t entertain them ,but they hurt me so much that i feel at time that i am failure ,i wont make it to heaven beacuse of these uninvited thoughts and…

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    • Jan Smith 04/19/2020, 5:41 PM

      Bonga, when the devil tries to remind you of your past, just remind him of his future!!

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  • Josias 04/13/2020, 12:58 PM

    Continuation part 2: hope for me because on top of lack of emotions I don’t feel conviction or remorse for sin which might be because of the lack of emotions but I still get mad at myself for thinking of something sinful or looking at a women lustfully (I’m not sure if I am because I don’t really have emotions but basically if I look at any other part of a women except her face I think it’s lust). I’ve been trying to use the method of the article and it helps a bit but I’m really lost at the…

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  • Josias 04/13/2020, 12:57 PM

    Continuation part 2 hope for me because on top of lack of emotions I don’t feel conviction or remorse for sin which might be because of the lack of emotions but I still get mad at myself for thinking of something sinful or looking at a women lustfully (I’m not sure if I am because I don’t really have emotions but basically if I look at any other part of a women except her face I think it’s lust). I’ve been trying to use the method of the article and it helps a bit but I’m really lost at the…

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  • Josias 04/13/2020, 12:13 PM

    continuation of last post accidentally impulsively think I blasphemed the Holy Spirit by muttering it but not meaning it or wanting to offend god. But my brother did some research and He told me he’s pretty sure it’s not saying or thinking something offensive but rather not accepting/ denying the Holy Spirit but He could be wrong. Due to social distancing I don’t have emotions anymore and my heart feels like it hurts. I feel like I messed up or did something wrong to god and that there’s no…

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  • Josias 04/13/2020, 12:00 PM

    Thank you for writing this article. I am 15 and I have recently been been plagued by sinful and offensive thoughts throughout the whole day that I hate but can’t control or stop from coming. It’s really hard especially because I am struggling and fighting with so many other things. Also I have just begun starting to read the word recently and I was scared I blasphemed the Holy Spirit in my thoughts after reading the part of the book of Matthew because I kept trying to fight the thoughts and I…

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  • Faith 04/11/2020, 7:47 PM

    Well I’m turning 18 this year. I’m literally crying in bed right now. I always felt alone and crazy because I thought I was the only one with unwanted thoughts. I accepted Jesus when I was 15. Things were okay in life till these unwanted thoughts came and I would feel so guilty for offending Jesus for no reason. I would be lying if I said I knew why I was offending Him. This article just described my life and the “try harder” points and all. Like having these unwanted thoughts is torture…

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    • Jan Smith 04/12/2020, 5:42 PM

      Faith, you made me weep for joy when I read your comment and read how you thought you were the only one suffering like this. It might interest you to know that the article you just read has been viewed 145,028 times as of 04/12/2020 at 5:26 PM (CST). Believe me: you are not alone in your struggle. I wrote this article so I could share with people all over the world how to stand firm against our common enemy, Satan and his demons. I myself have been where your were. It’s hard – but now you know the truth. I just want you to know that I am SO proud of you for taking the risk of writing your comment!

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  • Shane Hendershot 04/08/2020, 8:49 PM

    Get on the right path with god always all the time in your life

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  • Carjonie 03/31/2020, 10:01 PM

    Hello, I really enjoyed reading this. I now know what I need to do to overcome negative thoughts. However, I do have a question. Do you think it would be beneficial to speak with a therapist about the thoughts as well?

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  • Carjonie 03/31/2020, 9:56 PM

    Hello, I truly enjoyed reading this. I now know what I need to do to overcome negative thoughts. However, I do have a question. Along with reading the word of God, do you think it would be beneficial to speak to a therapist about these thoughts?

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  • Trishawna Lindo 03/07/2020, 10:20 PM

    I thank God that I came upon this webpage. It has given me sound advice and comfort on how to take my disturbing thoughts captive. My church embarked on studying the Armour of God, but my attendance was inconsistent. Since I’ve been going to all the weekly Bible study sessions, I’ve been having horrifying thoughts. When I try to sleep, I see images of dragons and serpents trying to take Jesus off the cross and similar thoughts. As a result, I’ve become so sleep-deprived. I try listening to…

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  • Will 03/06/2020, 11:25 AM

    I have been having trouble with terrible past thoughts of my wife’s past it’s been almost three years and I have been struggling with everything you said it’s true I will do as you said I am starting to see what I have been missing or not doing I am still learning how to stop the thoughts and combat the terrible thoughts that only destroy me and who I want to be for her and my kids and my self. So I wanted to thank you for opening up my eyes to what must be done I will learn and use gods word…

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  • Allison Randall 02/19/2020, 6:51 PM

    Thank you

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  • Erlian cruz 02/17/2020, 7:41 PM

    Recently evil has been playing with my thoughts, I told my mother and she and I are both trying to help me, I pray to god every chance I get, I have had these bad thoughts for about 4 weeks now, I am trying to forget about it and ask god to help me, I know it will work but It needs time, reading this has helped me better know what to do to fight evil, thank you

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    • Jan Smith 02/17/2020, 9:53 PM

      Erlian, your comment almost brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that I could share these Bible Truths with you today. And just think: now that you know the truth, you can be certain that God is with you RIGHT NOW!!!

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  • Christine 02/17/2020, 5:54 PM

    Even as children of God the enemy will try to distract us by instilling negative thought in our minds. We have to overcome him by the blood of the lamb and our testimonies. He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
    Thank you for this posting! May God continue to bless you.

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  • Dee 01/16/2020, 1:09 AM

    This is such a powerful message; I really needed to hear this tonight. Thank you.

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  • Christine 01/14/2020, 8:13 AM

    What a timely beautiful article for me.
    Thank you.

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  • JDavis 01/06/2020, 8:06 PM

    What an amazing read. Thank you for choosing life and being obedient by allowing God to use you as you live. May you continue to be in His will as He blesses you and your generations beyond your imagination, just like He says. Much love to you!!!

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  • Lily 12/31/2019, 12:45 PM

    Praise Yahweh! I have been convicted to give a testimony and encouragement to those brothers and sisters who are experiencing unwanted blasphemous and fearful thoughts.

    For me it started when I began seeking The Lord and reading the Bible about two years ago. It started with blasphemous thoughts and I the only reason I did not give up was because of The Holy Spirit being that I did not know that this was something other believers experienced. I felt as if they were my thoughts but then…

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    • Jan Smith 12/31/2019, 1:25 PM

      Lily, thanks for commenting! As I hope you have read from this article, those thoughts are from the “father of lies”. This is classic! The forces of hell want you to believe that you are the only person experiencing such thoughts, and that you are your own worst enemy! BUT: As Jesus said, “…you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”
      From Philippians 4:7 “…And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
      From 1 Peter 1:8b “…Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory…”
      Lily, those benefits are now yours!!

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  • Jim 12/23/2019, 8:44 AM

    Thank you for this wonderful article, it has been a blessing of truth to me in my heart and soul. Thank you for reminding me the importance of getting into and staying in the word of God. I appreciated your illustration about the guards at a military installation made perfect sense. Thank you, brother Jim

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  • Sanelisiwe 12/21/2019, 1:56 PM

    Thank you so much for this article, i sufferd from depresion which led to this pettern on nagative horrible thoughts have been battling with these negative thoughts and have tormented my life for months, as a child of God i always wonderd where they come from because i new i never used to think like this and i normally wouldn’t think this way and I’d feel so ashamed and guilty that how could an impure thought enter my mind and would ask my self am i that of a horrible person, i pray that God…

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    • Jan Smith 12/21/2019, 9:05 PM

      Hi, Sanelisiwe! What you have described is an example of how the enemy works. Satan and his demons what you believe that YOU are the wicked person, that you are the source of your own problems. But now you know the truth. And as Jesus said, “…the TRUTH will set you FREE”

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  • Dev 12/17/2019, 9:08 AM

    I have been very blessed by your emails! You have such an awesome insight to the Word & the format in which you break it down with scripture is SUPER helpful!!

    I really resonated with this article. It’s so nice to know that I’m not alone and so many other believers also deal with “unwanted thoughts”. We have to remember that every thought isn’t from US like you said. Satan wants to gain territory… make us doubt, be confused, be disturbed, and pretty much make us feel like we have no way of…

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    • Jan Smith 12/17/2019, 6:26 PM

      Hey, Dev thanks for your encouraging words!! But I think you should not have said that “many other believers” struggle with unwanted thoughts. Truth be known: EVERYONE struggles against the tormenting thoughts that the enemy puts into our minds. The difference is: WE have the weapons to overcome the demonic influence; unbelievers do not!

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  • LJK 12/09/2019, 2:24 PM

    Sorry I wasn’t clearer in my question – I meant to ask – can every thought we don’t like be taken captive the same way? Or do we need an “argument” for this or that.

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  • LJK 12/06/2019, 1:02 PM

    This is such a needed topic! I have a question for you. Do you think the topic of the evil/intrusive thought matters? Whether it is violent thoughts or lustful thoughts, or any other evil manner of thought. Does the type of thought need to be addressed, or is it just enough to realize all thoughts like these that torment our mind are from the enemy and we don’t want them? Although I have read…

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    • Jan Smith 12/06/2019, 6:24 PM

      Let’s compare it to (for example) a military installation. They have armed guards posted at the entrance to the compound and a receptionist asking to see your credentials before allowing you in. Their singular purpose is to take into custody (captive) those who are identified as terrorists and thus have no authorization to enter. So, when Paul — writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — says “…take EVERY thought captive…”, I believe he means EVERY thought! The Holy spirit becomes the “gate-keeper” of your mind!

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  • Joanne 11/25/2019, 6:24 PM

    I see I did a typo , I said I am going to read the word and need some help, thank you

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  • Joanne 11/25/2019, 6:22 PM

    Just checking to see I found my message went thru thank you for this wonderful website

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  • Joanne 11/25/2019, 6:16 PM

    I struggle with evil unwanted thoughts when I am around ppl. So disturbing prayers, I a man going to read the wor, that is what I have read and have been told, just n e some help, I get fear that I will do it and it stars all over the same cycle, thank so much

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  • Heather Matthews 10/23/2019, 6:27 PM

    I have been trying to get my book, Walking Between the Shadow and the Light, published for four years now. California State University has been interfering in the publishing of my book. Judge Wilson in the district court in Carson City dismissed my complaint and now I have to appeal to the Supreme Court in Nevada. I need legal help from a large Christian organization to help me to get an…

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  • Cynthia 10/21/2019, 11:15 AM

    I don’t know where to start.
    I feel so broken.
    I am full of unwanted thoughts. From morning to night. Lies about God or thoughts about my family getting hurt..etc.
    I struggle with wrong imaginations. I have asked for forgiveness but I feel like I’m holding on to them and can’t forget them.
    They are wrong imaginations about God and they are very disturbing.

    I have no joy and feel…

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    • Jan Smith 10/21/2019, 3:12 PM

      Hi, Cynthia. Being aware of the life-transforming abilities of God’s Word, can I offer a suggestion?
      Go into your Bible and begin reading Romans Chapter 8, Psalm 34, John chapter 14, and Psalm 103. Read them over and over. When you put God’s thoughts into your mind (that’s what the Bible is — His thoughts) you will begin to to feel relief. Try it, and let us know what happens.

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  • Valerie 09/30/2019, 7:49 AM

    I can’t write all I want to say …..just know that I read EVERY WORD of your article. Lately, the enemy had been (notice the past tense) tormenting at a whole other level. Thank you so much for such detailed instructions for help. I wrote down almost every scripture and will begin to take them like medicine. Thank you a thousand times over for allowing the Lord to use you. I’m so grateful He…

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    • Jan Smith 09/30/2019, 12:37 PM

      Valerie, you just made my day!! I’m not “fishing for compliments”, but it thrills my heart to know that people are actually reading these articles that I spent so much time writing. So, thanks for your note. I truly appreciate it.

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  • Natniel 09/21/2019, 5:53 AM

    How can I truly repent of my sins willfully, I really want to give myself to God. I want to know the biblical way to repent, which verse from the Bible do I have to read in order to repent and let God that I trust him, I would greatly appreciate it if you would gladly help me my fellow friends. Thank you, your article was so persuasive, thank you so much, God bless all of us on our holy gurney in…

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  • Jean 09/21/2019, 5:47 AM

    Good afternoon Mr Smit

    Im just following up on my email i sent a week ago?Your help will be kuch appreciated.

    Kind regards

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  • Alexandre Dumas Pyles 09/14/2019, 3:53 PM

    Hi Jan.
    I wanted to post more statements from the book, but they have been cut out.
    Even though I posted that I want to say I am struggling a lot to banish some thoughts from the enemy from my mind. He even say. “It wont work”. Many times I am caught up thinking his thoughts even thought I don’t want it. Any suggestion?

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  • Alexandre Dumas Pyles 09/10/2019, 4:20 PM

    Hi everyone struggling with unwanted thoughts these writings have been taken out of Watchman Nee’s book called Spiritual Man (3 volumes).
    Take a look! I hope them can help you in your walk with Jesus.
    Great job with this article Jan.

    The believer should constantly declare that he chooses freedom, wants freedom, and will not be passive.
    This kind of choosing with the will and this kind…

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    • Jan Smith 09/10/2019, 5:52 PM

      Hi, Alexander. I have heard of Watchman Nee but I have never read any of his writings.
      But any similarity is easily explained: obviously, Watchman Nee and I have been instructed by the same Teacher.

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  • Lorraine Starks 09/02/2019, 7:29 PM

    I am a Christian. I am in the word. I pray daily. This attack started in my mind Sun. I just had a horrible thought about hurting my Mom. This makes no sense! In all of my life I never , ever have ha d this thought. I’m now reading scriptures about the mind & keeping thoughts captive. I’ve never been under attack like this before.
    Please pray for me!!

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  • Brittany Odle 08/18/2019, 9:14 PM

    I dont get this I used Gods word but I deal with compulsions like checking the thought and I deal with like sounds of words and what words like. Its horrible:((( please help me.

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    • Jan Smith 08/19/2019, 1:01 PM

      Brittany, are you open to a suggestion? Read Psalm 139 from beginning to end every day for one month. God’s Word has a way of taking hold of you in ways that I cannot explain in words. Just make yourself do it. Every day. And let me know that happens.

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  • Rebecca 08/12/2019, 12:51 PM

    I believe in god n want to change. The scripture tells us we can do exactly what we set our minds to and this is exactly what I’m going to do. I may never be perfect for the world but I will strive that in the end i earn a place in the good book to live in the heavenly kingdom with God’s grace n help

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    • Jan Smith 08/18/2019, 8:13 PM

      Rebecca, you inspire me! You seem to have made a firm decision, and I can “feel” the determination in your words. By the way, not one of us will ever be perfect in this world. Jesus was / IS perfect. Our challenge is to become as much like Him as we can.

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  • Ericson 08/07/2019, 10:54 AM

    I accepted Christ at a young age(10) and grew to a strong spiritual maturity through fasting and prayer to a level of rebuking evil spirits out of people… But as I approached my adolescence, the devil held me captive of me through loneliness, pornography, masturbation, lustful desires, bad peer influence, pride, and other evil behavior that I completely forgot about God… Over time, I would…

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    • Jan Smith 08/18/2019, 8:16 PM

      Erickson, don’t let your past be like dragging an anchor behind you. The devil wants you do wallow in despairing over you past. Download God’s Word into your mind. Then, you will be thinking God’s thoughts, not Satan’s thoughts.

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  • Carol 08/04/2019, 10:05 AM

    God wants us to depend on Himto fight our battles, Jesus said without me you can do nothing!

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    • Jan Smith 08/18/2019, 8:20 PM

      Thank you, Brandi. I consider it a privilege to be able to share with you (and others) what God has poured into me.

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  • Emmanuel 07/23/2019, 3:18 PM

    I am convinced that it is only through God’s word and his word only that we can obtain victory over all the evil that we encounter in life!!!

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    • Jan Smith 07/25/2019, 8:29 PM

      I agree. But how tragic, that almost no one seems to be aware of the “forces of evil” that surround us every moment of every day.

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  • John 07/20/2019, 9:18 PM

    Thanks for the information.

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  • Peyton 07/13/2019, 12:07 PM

    Thank you for this . I have been struggling lately . This has made it crystal clear on what I need to do. GOD bless !

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    • Jan Smith 07/13/2019, 5:53 PM

      Peyton, thanks for commenting. Can you almost hear the angels in heaven shouting for joy as they see one more believer taking hold of His Word and using His “Sword Of The Spirit” to overcome the lies and treacheries of the devl!!

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  • Bobby 07/07/2019, 7:03 PM

    Thank you so much for this. I’m so thankful you left some scripture to learn time to study.

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  • Alan 07/04/2019, 6:04 AM

    Hi that was a good revolution I needed that message.I been struggling in my mind I was in relationship for twenty years. I never married her well she died 2017 she was sickly toward the last seven years and I was by her every step of the way.she loved me deeply and I love her even now. I beat myself up daily I feel guilty that I never married her.we both belong to God and we were the best of…

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    • Jan Smith 07/06/2019, 10:59 AM

      Alan, don’t focus on what you did NOT do (marry the woman you loved); instead, choose to focus on how the two of you loved each other.
      Also, ask God to reveal to you any sin that you have not repented of. Otherwise, Satan gains an opportunity to demand a judgement against you in the court of Heaven.
      Once you have repented, yet feel that you can’t forgive yourself, those thoughts are from Satan or his demons. When God declares you are forgiven — you’re forgiven.

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  • Latonia jackson 07/03/2019, 12:23 AM

    This was a great teaching because my mind was troubled for about a week i dont want anyone but my husband he’s a geart man of Got but thoughts of a Bishop inter in my mind about him i don’t anyone husdand i don’t no y these thoughts came from i don’t even think like that i no i have to fight with the the help of God i can’t do this on my own thank u for this teaching about our savior Jesus…

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  • Sanjay 06/28/2019, 8:49 AM

    Thank you. Im tormented with thoughts of envy, jealousy, comparison’s towards friend’s and colleagues. But now will quotes scriptures and will overcome. Praise god for such nice encouraging message.

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    • Jan Smith 06/28/2019, 11:03 AM

      Hi, Sanjay, I’m very proud of you for choosing to bring your struggles out into the open so you can deal with them.
      Now you know what the cause of the bad thoughts is.
      Now you know what God has said about using His Word as a source of power to overcome.
      The next step is up to you. It may seem impossible or unnecessary. That is what Satan wants you (and me and everyone) to believe.
      Don’t listen to the lies from hell. Put some Bible wisdom into your mind – and into your heart.

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  • Sanjay 06/28/2019, 8:44 AM

    Thank you im blessed with the scriptures. Im tormented with thoughts of envy, jealousy, making comparisons,low self-esteem with close friends and colleagues around for their physical appearance, financial success, happiness. And joy trying hard to overcome and ignore thoughts with little success. God has definately blessed me in all areas. There’s always a but with all devlish thoughts. But now willsay scriptures and try to overcome these thoughts. Thanks again and praise be to god Jesus.

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  • Melissa A Dedon 06/27/2019, 1:15 AM

    Thank you so much for this wonderful page I was being attacked and sometimes at night it can be tough since we are sleepy I say the same prayer over again but I remember i must be reading the word to fight . This is a great Reference I’m glad I found it its encouraging !

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    • Jan Smith 06/27/2019, 10:41 AM

      Melissa, thanks for sharing. Your comment is helpful to me, in that I know people are actually reading these things I wrote. But more than that, you appear to other readers as someone who sees value in using God’s Word as a weapon we can use to reduce or eliminate the influence of Satan and his demons in our lives. Thanks again. ~ Jan

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  • Debby 06/26/2019, 9:41 PM

    I love the write up it gave alot of Hope

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  • London 06/23/2019, 12:22 AM

    im a 16 year old kid struggling with negative thoughts & depression & Man i just wanna say i really appreciate you for making this… just a couple minutes after reading this my mind was already filled with the word of GOD!!! & i hope he keeps directing you in the great path that your on… thanks for spreading the word brother… ???????? May all blessings be with you

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    • Jan Smith 06/24/2019, 11:16 AM

      London, thank you for sharing. You can’t imagine how glad I am to see that you, as a 16-year-old, are taking hold of Bible wisdom.

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  • Evelyn 06/20/2019, 1:57 AM

    Hello. This is a blessing to me. I’ve been a Christian for a long time but things in life would get my attention more than God and I would be behind in my walk with Him. I struggled with depression most of my life. I understand that the enemy wants our minds so he can lie to us and get us off track. I’m tires of that and have decided daily to submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from me. He tries to wear me out when it comes to my mind. I’m learning that I must keep Him first…

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    • Jan Smith 06/20/2019, 11:42 AM

      Hi, Evelyn, thanks for your comment. I give you an “A” in theology for your words of wisdom. You know the Truth, and the Truth is setting you free!!

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  • Leslie 05/23/2019, 9:30 PM

    This is such a revelation and confirmation as it is what we are now studying in bible study. Thank you for this article which gives me power I never imagined I had. This is also conviction for me aI have not been reading and meditating on His word where my power lies. Sure I stream for church and bible study and here and there read a passage of scripture. Oh but to get the revelation above has strengthened me and encouraged me to make time to read his word faithfully and apply it to my life in…

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  • Grace 05/16/2019, 7:34 AM

    This article has been very helpful.. Have been battling and blaming myself for many years and the bad thoughts and images grew worse as iv been fighting this thoughts in my own strength. Thank you so much

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  • Vernandra 05/13/2019, 10:39 AM

    Good lesson thank you

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  • J 05/04/2019, 10:51 AM

    Thanks for the article. I have been dealing with unwanted thoughts off and on for a long time but recently they have gotten worse. My wife believes I am choosing to have them, making me try all the harder to stop, which just makes it worse. She can see a guilty look on my face when I am struggling and she thinks I am lying to her. I then get down on myself and feel like a failure, feel guilty, etc. I have been a Christian and serious Jesus follower for 16 years and feel I shouldn’t be struggling with this at this point in my walk. I have been unclear in myself if I am dealing with unconfessed sin or satan attacking an area of weakness. The thoughts/ feeling in my mind comes and while I do not entertain the thought and resist in the moment, the guilt and fear still comes later about what my wife will think because I carry home guilt and can’t get it to stop. It has affected our marriage a great deal. I know I must saturate my mind with God’s word but I am losing confidence brother, it just seems to be a battle I keep losing. Reading the article and comments help me to see that I am not alone though in these struggles so thank you.

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  • Cherita 04/16/2019, 8:56 PM

    Hi Micheal in addition to the article your response was enduring and helpful as well. I completely understand what you were saying and I too have struggled. The information in this article was helpful and am sure the word of GOD is strong fer than any thoughts or anything else. We must remember that JESUS has already won the victory even the devil knows it but he keep trying. The victory is already won!!! I ponder on that. Little children you are from GOD and have overcome them……

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  • Michael 04/03/2019, 3:37 PM

    About two months ago, I came to a realization that a certain addiction of mine was, in fact, a trap laid out by Satan many years ago. It had been building up over time. And since it was of the world, it was a form of idolatry. When I realized this, I was terrified, because I knew the quote; “If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him”. I immediately quit and started asking for forgiveness, but I struggled with unwanted thoughts, tormenting me night and day. The biggest unwanted thought was that all this time, I never really worshipped God, I worshipped the Devil and that I was a liar and I’m going to hell. I struggled with these thoughts constantly but they just kept coming back. Whenever one did, I felt like a failure and the thought to “try harder” and “do it again” just kept coming back, and its what I did. I never realized that it was another trap. This article helped me to realize that it was basically spiritual warfare and Satan was winning by wearing me down. Realizing this, I took the advice of this article and basically began arming myself with the word of God. Every time I started to read the bible, I prayed for wisdom and spiritual discernment. The next time I had an unwanted thought, I took it captive and challenged it with the word of God. The strength of the thought was destroyed and I asked God to rebuke it.
    This article has helped me greatly. Looking at the comments below, I take comfort in the fact many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ have had the same struggles that I’ve had and have prevailed. I still have some trouble with unwanted thoughts but now, after fully realizing my mistakes and praying to God, for the first time in a long time I feel that God is with and I realize that he never actually left me.

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  • Lawrence Pilvelait 04/02/2019, 9:03 PM

    Too many unwanted thoughts

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    • Jan Smith 04/08/2019, 10:28 AM

      Lawrence, it may be too many for you – but not for God. Try doing what I urged you to do in the article you read, and watch what happens!

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  • Richard 04/01/2019, 9:59 AM

    Thanks this is great. I have ask Jesus into my life and surrerrdered my life to God. I need to know what scriptures to start with. I have battled with unwanted thoughts for a long time.

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  • Richard 04/01/2019, 9:26 AM

    This is great. I truly desire to be fully surrendered to God. I am excited about receiving all this help to really do what God expects of me.

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  • Guy 03/22/2019, 11:17 AM

    This is a fine article which points to the power of God’s word and what Jesus accomplished through the cross for us, we are truly new creatures in Christ. We must realize that salvation is just the beginning of the journey, we then go forth repenting and knocking down obstacles in the way of our faith. Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ Ephesians 4:15. I personally have struggled with the broken record syndrome of negative thoughts/guilt and found that my problem was embedded in what Jan mentions above, “my not surrendering to Christ in my daily walk of life”. The more I surrendered to Christ in prayer, service, witnessing, bible studies, church activities, listening to his word in the car and so on the less room there was for Satan to attack (much like the football game Jan mentions in the article). Think of these persistent thoughts as a fire alarm that you need to re-examine where you stand with Christ (which can be hard due to our pride) and how you might go forward in serving and surrendering to him. A beautiful first step (if you have not already) is finding a deep rooted Christ centered bible oriented serving Church. Thanks Jan, I really love your “God’s word” central theme and the supporting scriptural quotes. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

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  • lori 03/04/2019, 4:16 PM

    I belive in god and jesus and am sure I got saved years ago but now I am sick with cancer and been having doubts and feeling like god isn’t listening to me I have lost my ability to comprehend the bible or pray I have fear of death I have dreams that I was sent to hell and heard the devil

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    • Jan Smith 03/07/2019, 5:55 PM

      Lori, every one of those bad things that you listed is a lie from hell. The truth is: God is THERE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!!
      I urge you to re-read the Scriptures in this article: How To Defeat The Devil As Demonstrated By Jesus

      That article has many short Scriptures that I’m urging you to read over and over a few times. The devil hates it when any of us reads Scripture. The Word of God has power in it to help us in situations like this. Let me know how it’s going with you.

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  • Craig 02/25/2019, 2:39 AM

    I am 38, I have lived in sin for my whole life until a month ago when I had a profound intervention by god who saved my soul, I had forgotten it was there, and he intervened and gave it back to me, clean, lime a incredible universe expanding within me.
    I have been under constant attack in the last month with a vengeance from Satan and his demons, absolutely and maliciously and evilly angry at me for losing me and turning to my wonderful father and saviour.
    I have given my heart and soul to god with a love I have never felt before, but the attack I am under is relentless, the fear Satan has been feeding me that I will lose and go to. Hell is terrifying however I am not afraid as I know how much god loves me and the sacrifice he has made for me and I am humbly and eternally greatfull.
    Satan has been wearing me down and making me fear by the bombardment of thoughts being put in my head, however this article has given me peace and invaluable tools that I will use on a daily, hourly and by the minute basis.
    I can’t thank you enough for this article.
    My god shine eternal peace on your soul

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  • Lucy 02/15/2019, 9:38 PM

    I previously added a comment; this is a continuum.

    After reading this blog, I felt immediate relief and have felt the same ever since.
    Reading that confirming these thoughts are the work of the devil and knowing that I am not alone has helped me 100%.

    My relief has been long overdue. I only recently learned unwanted thoughts are normal. Also, I have been working towards this for over 10 years.

    I will be turning to this website whenever I need spiritual/emotional support.
    Of course, God’s support will come first!

    God bless all of you!

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  • Lucy 02/06/2019, 8:28 PM

    Words cannot express the thanks I have for this insightful information.
    I have been working fervently on understanding how to, “Keep my mind on Jesus.” Amazingly, you wrote EXACTLY what to do.
    God has certainly blessed you. Thank you God!

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  • IKECHUKWU 01/08/2019, 3:12 PM

    God bless you richly. I’m really blessed with these!

    Pls pray for me. I would love to speak with you personally pls. God bless you

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  • Debra 01/03/2019, 1:25 AM

    1comment you made really caught my attention. Something to the effect of needing scriptures to help in standing against satan. Thank you

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    • Jan Smith 01/03/2019, 10:18 AM

      Debra, you are exactly right! We all need Scripture because, the Word of God is the one thing in this world that Satan and his demons cannot control. As I demonstrated in the article, God has put His power into

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  • Jimmy menjivar 01/01/2019, 7:12 PM

    God help with my unwanted thoughts give grant control of ’em thoughts help to find my way faster to get released by Satan empire make my mind up every time lm in troubled confusing myself open mind eyes to put away sinnesm and bless me with a very nice companion of a big help making more holy

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    • Brittany Odle 01/01/2019, 8:47 PM

      Amen Jesus delivered me from fear, control, and pride. I said God I don’t want to fear all this year please make me fearless. And when it turned 12 am I was free from fear, control and pride. GODS SOOOOO GOOOOOOD

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  • Jennifer 12/15/2018, 4:24 AM

    I thank God I found your website, I have unwanted thoughts in my mind but I always be like, “God got me” I wont fall for my thoughts. I even ask God for a new brain lol but the same thing would happen again. I always say to God and myself that the devil is not going to win, I will forever love God with all my heart no matter what goes through my head I will always have God in my mind all the time. God bless you Jan.

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  • Melisa Edge 12/01/2018, 6:38 PM

    Please pray for me for victory in overcoming this thorn and my wrong choices contrary to Jesus .thank you

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  • Carin Cutwright 11/26/2018, 3:12 AM

    Thanks so much for giving everyone a very spectacular opportunity to discover important secrets from this site. It is usually very ideal and full of a great time for me personally and my office friends to search the blog nearly 3 times in one week to study the new guidance you have. Not to mention, I’m so actually contented considering the spectacular methods you give. Selected 3 tips in this posting are definitely the finest we have all had.

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  • J 11/13/2018, 9:27 AM

    How do you change your name .to be private?

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  • Isabel Yracheta 10/23/2018, 8:40 PM

    I never realized how much of “my thoughts” aren’t actually mine. I usually just ignore them but lately it’s been a lot worse and happening more often. I have trouble with the word hate and today really wasn’t my day because I thought along the lines of “God I hate” and then it was down hill. I can’t stand when these thoughts get the best of me I also thought today “Jesus sucks ” and well that is why I’m here. No one is to speak against the Son. Or the Father and these thoughts are not my own. They get twisted and jumble my mind. I grew up in Christian family and yet it wasn’t until 12th grade that I really let God in. And it wasn’t until about three months ago that I really started living the way God intents which is maybe why I’m being messed with. Also I am a bit of a scary cat which thankfully the Lord also knows. I mention this because I would flip if I were haunted or something like the Conjuring movies. Just getting bad thoughts… Anyway, I am glad I’m not the only one struggling with this problem. I only really know one or two quotes because they’re my favorites: “He who knows what is right and fails to do it, for him it is a sin.” James 4:17 and “Put to death which is Earthly in you: ” colossians 3:5-6 (I did not want to list it partially because I was lazy and because it would make this comment a whole lot longer.) I also struggle with really disturbing thoughts like neck snapping, knives/stabbing, and just evil in general. I couldn’t hurt someone even if I tried it’s not in my nature. Only to defend myself. Heck I only ever took Karate and knives make me nervous because of those thoughts stated above. It gets hard to even function because of those thoughts. I don’t want to fed them anymore. And I read the Bible every night before bed. My memory is pretty good but really if the Bible were read to me or in audio form I’d remember more. Reading I usually forget so I try to summarize. Details are what I remember like when they were making fun of Jesus for being king of the jews they put Him in a purple gown with the crown of thorns. Or that they gave Him bitter wine with a sponge when he was on the cross. That I remember but sometimes the world gets the best of me and I forget how great God really is. He who delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, who parted the Red Sea, who let water flow from a rock, who guided them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, and that’s not even the extent of His power. Walking on water, raising the dead, and Healing The Sick.
    And actually some evangelists talked to me several months back and I knew more about the Bible than they did (I completed some of their quotes, I quoted about David and Job, and even taught them something I think from what I remember anyway) and they said,”Why do you doubt if you know the word so well?” And I said, “It’s not God I doubt. It’s me I doubt. I’m always gonna mess up and fall short. ” then they went through the whole God will forgive you of any sin thing. And at the time I was still sinning with and about yuri which is girls being together and I felt unworthy. But again I tell you that I stopped that altogether about 3 months ago. So I am doing what I can to live the way the Lord intends for my life. “And did it break your heart? When I strayed way too far from what you had in mind for my life? ” Change me by Sanctus Real
    I must trust the Lord. I ask constantly for help and aid with everything like my past/my sins and evils that were done against me (I was extremely molested multiple times as a child by a man my family had trusted and it haunts me from time to time even though I’m 20). So I ask for help in all things. And also try to remember to say thanks too. Because when I’m having a good day I’m truly thankful they don’t always happen for me because my thoughts get the better of me. I need help to function and I can’t keep living like I have. I’ve got a life to live and thing to do, pets to care for… I can’t allow myself to be distracted or led away from the life God wants me to have. So this was a very helpful article. Together God and I will get there. To the me He wants me to be. Amen (So let it be).

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  • Cheryl Milton 10/20/2018, 12:32 PM

    I needed this everything I read reminded me of what my mom would teach us she gave us the tools needed but I needed to apply it to my daily struggles thank you

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    • Jan Smith 10/20/2018, 1:28 PM

      Cheryl, thanks for taking time to share your message. I would probably write these things even if nobody made a comment, but it sure energizes me when I know that people are reading it and that it’s helping others. together we can stand against the spiritual forces of evil!!

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  • Patty 09/14/2018, 8:48 AM

    I just left a comment and want notified of follow up comments

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  • Patty 09/14/2018, 8:45 AM

    I like your article. I struggle with foul thoughts. I’m reading Neil T. Anderson’s Victory Over The Darkness and in the last chapter it says something like, ” if you can’t control your thoughts you can’t be disciples.” This disturbed me because I’m am trying to be discipled. I don’t entertain these thoughts they just pop into my head. Is it true what Neil T. Anderson said. I say stop!!! over and over again in my head to get these thoughts to stop and it works but they come back. I’ve tried scripture too.

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  • Jay Vair 09/12/2018, 8:47 AM

    Thank you so so much for the POWER of the WORD of CHRIST that works through you to get the message out there for us to receive and learn. God bless you and keep up GOD’S work and His Holly Scripture.

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  • Joanne Davenport 08/31/2018, 2:05 PM

    I am excited to be able to come on here and get some help. I have intrusive thoughts about ppl, especially children which I never did before or mine, now they are adults I feel uncomfortable around them, I don’t enjoy my visits I feel condemnation, I want o get into the word and dissolve this, thank you

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  • Brittany 08/03/2018, 9:06 PM

    Hey i need help i read the verses on the unpardobanle sin and it made me soo scared than blasphemy thoughts came and i got scared trying to fight them but JESUS delivered me from that jezebel spriit whos a luster and blasphemer and than like 2 months later i deal with the bad thoughts again and the demon left leftovers like acrnyms changing letters hard to explain or words that sound the same ugh its horrible so i fouht them and it keeps coming back :(((((((( people cuss and then i get scared of the words any evil thoughts i try to fight them like a negative thought tries to change it to positive, doesnt work made it worse so i used GODS WORD but these thoughts are with feelings so i try to use GODS WORD but the enemy tries to change what it says, thoughts with feelings its horrible brothers and sisters in CHRIST I dont know what to do why wont it go away :((((((((( is there hope for me since i fought the thoughts and the enemy trying to change what GOD SAYS. like God says good thoughts but the enemy tries to change it to a bad thought :((((((((( its like i cant win this. any help please anyone dealt with this I JUST WANT TO PLEASE GODDDDDDDDDDD. the enemy has me in this bondage thinkign i am going to say something wrong or my lips might change what i am saying its horrible i dont want it i deal with ocd. he makes me think my heart so evil i am just crying and hurting so bad i dont know what to do I just want GOD WORDS TO destroy these fears and feelings.

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    • Renee 08/04/2018, 4:34 AM

      Hi there, I too struggled with these thoughts for a few years and I would also try to replace evil thoughts with positive ones of God. And it helped for a time but then they came back. But I then spoke to a priest and told him of these thoughts and he said to not feed it. Just as this article says that “trying harder” does not work, the priest also told me by worrying and stressing over the thoughts and fearing them was in fact a way of feeding them, I learnt to not give into them. If they passed my mind I just continued on with whatever task I was doing. I was even having them during prayer and I hated myself for that. But I learnt to continue on with the prayer of a thought passed my mind and to not feed it. Because fearing these thoughts means giving time and energy to them which allows them to worsen. However by saying the Word of God and by letting go of the fear and anxiety of these thoughts, you can overcome this struggle. It is very possible and there is hope for us all. God is so merciful and loving that He doesn’t forsake us despite how much we may have hurt Him and he knows that these thoughts are not generated by you so we must help ourselves to help God get us through this by not fearing the thoughts. “I will fear no evil for Thou art with me Lord.” Worry about nothing and instead pray about everything. God bless you

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      • Brittany 08/04/2018, 6:55 PM

        Sister that’s awesome but its not just words its feelings with words and i hate the lip thing i don’t know what that is it needs to go. Thinking i am going to say something wrong or i have an evil heart. :(((( its tormenting sister i let it go through but its like gets harder

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        • Renee 08/22/2018, 6:44 PM

          You know what else has helped me so much. Simply asking God, and His Mother and His All-Holy Saints to remove the thoughts. “Ask and you shall receive” And if you have a thought, you must keep in mind that God knows you do not mean it because He knows what truly lies in our hearts. And the fact that you are trying to find solutions to the thoughts is a testament in itself that you want to be rid of them because of your love for God. Fearing them and being anxious over the thoughts will not help, but instead will feed the thoughts. And instead of praying in fear and worry of the thoughts, just simply ask God for His help to remove them and also read. Read the Bible or there are many 30 day scripture studies online that you can find where you read a different scripture everyday for 30 days.
          God bless you always

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          • Brittany Odle 10/28/2018, 1:38 PM

            We should not be praying to Mary only Jesus sister.

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            • Nolan 11/02/2018, 7:20 AM

              Actually you should be praying only to God in the name of Jesus. It is only through the grace of Jesus that we are able to approach God in prayer. There is power in the name Jesus, speak that power over what you are going through. I have been going through the same thing, I think at some point in every believers walk, you will experience this. Don’t be disheartened, have faith that God will see you through it. Put your trust in Him and claim victory over the evil. If you know the thoughts do not line up with the Bible or what you believe, then they are from somewhere else. Don’t let that have any power over you. We are victors in Christ, I know you’re probably thinking that its all easy to say and hard to do but just practice it and remember that its a cycle. You have to break that cycle, make some changes. Go walk barefooted on the earth and slow yourself down, pray while you walk, breathe deep and remember that this too shall pass. Look to what you are working towards, not what you’re going through. Start seeing yourself where you will be and not where you are. The power of thought and words are a lot greater than you think. If you start speaking positivity and power into your life, you will have it. As a man thinketh in his heart, so he will be. Proverbs 23:7. It takes time but it is so important. If you get down on yourself, remember that God is your creator, He makes no mistakes. You are GOING to feel better, it takes effort on your part and you can do it. I’m doing it now, just writing this is helping me. It was just a couple months ago that I was so crippled with fear and doubt that I was in a constant brain fog and could barely go to work. Find ways of relaxing and not worrying so much. Take a nice salt and mineral bath while reading your bible. Turn off your phone and spend an evening in nature now and then or even better, daily. Reconnect with the way that God intended us to live. He created what is in nature for us, go out there and find peace. I have prayed for you and I know that you’ll find peace. Starting your day off the right way is so important as well. First thing, give thanks for all that God has done for you and will do. Just practice being thankful for every little thing, your worries will fade.
              Jesus said… These things I leave with you that you might have peace in Me, for in this world you will have tribulation(hard times), but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. John 16:33
              Just remember that many people in the Bible passed through trying times and it was God that saw them through. Hold fast to your faith.
              Jeremiah 29:11
              Deuteronomy 31:6
              Romans 12:2
              Romans 12:21

              Read all of Romans chapter 8 its beautiful

  • Ngachangam 07/25/2018, 1:26 PM

    Thank You so much. It was quite helpful. The right message at the right time.

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  • L 07/23/2018, 1:24 PM

    I just began reading this article and tears welled up in my eyes and my heartbeat quickened with excitement from the ‘aha moment’ I instantly had. I had been busy lately & just realized today that I hadn’t read my bible in the last few weeks which is not normal for me. I know without a doubt that this absence of the armor of His word had left room for Satan to work his way into my thought patterns. My marriage went through a tough period lately from the steady, constant stream of worry that has been blanketing deep insecurity of mine. The worry has taken more a piece of me each day. So much so that my heart physically hurts & I feel heavy with guilt from my bitterness & accusatory disposition. I am ashamed. Yet also I am proud that I see it for what it is & I can change. I know better than to rely on myself & not God. I am really excited to read the rest of this!
    I am going to write these words down & study it until it becomes habit. Thank you to the author who took the time to put this all together in a way that seems to help understand it & then apply it to our lives. Thanks! Lauren

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  • Anitrea 07/17/2018, 6:34 PM

    This was very helpful. Thank You and GOD Bless.

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  • Ashley 07/14/2018, 4:14 PM

    I have found this article really helpful because I was unable to sleep at night because of thoughts of fear and during the day, I would sin a lot because of sinful thoughts coming into my mind o but now I am very happy that I am able to get rid of those thoughts. I praise the Lord because he wanted me to come across this article because he knew this was my problem. May God bless the creator of this article.

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    • Jan Smith 07/17/2018, 8:05 PM

      Ashley, this is exactly why I am writing these things. This my “assignment” from God.

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  • Shawn 07/07/2018, 3:42 PM

    This has helped me so much. Please pray for me. Thank you

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  • sandra jennings 06/29/2018, 10:33 AM

    I enjoyed this information and found it helpful. I have people I love who tell me the darkest things they have done and it makes me want to throw up. I get to feeling why do have to deal with these things about drugs and horrible things when I don’t drink or do drugs and am a peacful person. I been very strong but lately i feel how much more can one take. what I get out of this is I need to pwoer myself with god’s word in my mind, and also ask god to help me though this. thankyou!

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    • Jan Smith 06/29/2018, 6:15 PM

      Sandra, you have already taken a big step in the right direction be saying, “I need to power myself with god’s word in my mind,”

      Perhaps I can help you with that. Here is a link to a page of Scripture Memory Excerpts
      Read these articles. They tell you what to do, why you should do it (benefits) and how to do it. All the details are in these articles.

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  • Kene 06/28/2018, 12:04 AM

    I have a real problem with remembering bible verses. Please help

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    • Jan Smith 06/29/2018, 5:45 PM

      So do I, Kene. So what I do is read the verses I want to remember once per day. Eventually I can say them from memory. How long does it take? That depends on the person. I’m a lot older than most of the folks reading these things, so it probably takes me longer than it would for a younger person.

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  • Jase 06/18/2018, 11:08 PM

    Ok I sent a comment but it’s not showing up so I’m reposting this, I’ve been having trouble with thoughts about god and satan where i say the holy spirit is of god’s power but sometimes i accidently say it is of satan’s power and i don’t mean to say that I’ve also sometimes said a few good things about satan and I’m just asking what to do, I understand a little bit of the things you typed but I’m trying my best, please pray for me that these thoughts will go away and thank you I hope you get back to this comment as soon as possible 😀

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    • Jan Smith 06/29/2018, 5:11 PM

      Sometimes I don’t always get to answering / approving comments as quickly as I should. Sorry…

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  • Jase 06/18/2018, 11:00 PM

    I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about god and satan that i’m ashamed of, I’ve accidently said the Holy Spirit’s works were of Satan when i meant to say the Holy Spirit’s works were of God and more thoughts about satan that won’t let me get sleep at night. This has helped me a little but i’m having trouble understanding it but anyways please pray for me and god bless you all

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    • Jan Smith 06/29/2018, 5:10 PM

      Jase, the book of Hebrews says this:
      “12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
      What it means to you is that, even though you may have said something you didn’t intend to say, the verse says that God knows the INTENTIONS of your heart. He knows what you really meant to say. So don’t let the devil try to “guilt” you needlessly.

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  • Paul 06/10/2018, 4:11 PM

    Thank you for the encouraging words!

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  • kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen krauss-maffei 05/31/2018, 5:20 AM

    Groß Post. Ich früher prüft kontinuierlich diese blog und Ich bin inspiriert beeindruckt! Sehr hilfreich info speziell Rest Teil Deal mit wie Information viel. Ich früher bestimmten Informationen sehr long . Danke und viel Glück.

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    • Jan Smith 07/17/2018, 10:47 AM

      Translation to English:
      Great post. I used to keep checking this blog and I’m impressed inspired! Very helpful info specifically rest part deal with how much information. I used information very long ago. Thank you and good luck.

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    • Hugh 12/12/2018, 10:46 PM

      Love your writings Jan. I want to know that if one does not speak in tongues, does that mean on hasn’t got the Holy Spirit?

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  • Brittany 05/22/2018, 12:56 AM

    Hi I have been checking the thoughts when a bad thoughts come I try to replace it with a positive word and its got so bad did it for 5 years. If I memorize the Word will it take those thoughts go even if I played with it to get it out of my head for 5 years :(((( do I have hope.

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  • Winona Muran 05/18/2018, 9:06 AM


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  • B k 04/26/2018, 1:41 AM

    Someone please pray for me. I want to crush my head

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  • samar 04/25/2018, 12:55 PM

    Mr Jan,
    Talk about unwanted thoughts. I’ve been dealing with the enemy attacking my mind for just over a year now after never having it before. More recently he tries to replay this unwanted thought I had while I ‘tried’ Lexapro (at the recommendation of a past doctor) which was very scary. It’s nothing I would ever do (and I know that) but the enemy just keeps pressing replay. I have prayed, I quote scripture, I battle and I KNOW the enemy is a LIAR – I feel like I’m failing because it keeps happening over and over. Can you suggest anything I might be able to do? I feel this is spiritual warfare and I KNOW my God is greater and that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. I will say that through this I am learning just how totally not in control I am – that I NEED Him, and I pray now more than I ever have, and I recite scripture and read the bible more than I ever have, but I get totally overwhelmed and feel like a failure each

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    • Jan Smith 06/05/2018, 6:50 PM

      Samar, here’s what I do. As I get into bed, I ask God to protect me from all unwanted thoughts. I ask Him to help me to go to sleep quickly. I say to God that I only want God-honoring thoughts (if any) to come to mind. It’s amazing. The next thing I know, it’s time to get up.
      I would urge anyone to do this. Because I have made Him the top priority in my life.. He seems to be on my side and helping me sleep. He knows that I’m going to start each day putting His Word into my mind. I go to bed earlier than most so that I can get up before others and give that time to God. ~ Jan

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  • Joan 04/19/2018, 6:10 AM

    Thanks, I need better practice at quoting the Word against Satan. I’ve always been passive in that area.

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  • Victoria 04/14/2018, 9:22 PM

    Thank you, this was very helpful, I learned so much new information that I wish I’d known all my life. I so grateful to God. God bless you. I will take this and apply it to my life thank you.

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  • Kathy 04/11/2018, 11:50 PM

    Thank you so much for this article. I understand so much now. I’ve been struggling with very impure and disturbing thoughts for quite sometime now. I have tried to ” forget” them but they always come back, sometimes at the worst times ever. You are very correct, We need to read and memorize the scripture, along with obeying what God has written in his word. I do struggle with reading the bible but I want to find the strength and Godly motivation to keep going, reading his word everyday and finding myself being closer to God, and establishing a intimate relationship with him. May God bless you for this and let his Holy name be glorified!

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  • Carrie 03/03/2018, 12:23 AM

    I have been tormented by impure, disgusting,and very much unwanted thoughts lately. Its making me feel crazy and sick. I am a Christian and I have been trying to overcome this. Its stealing my life. What should I say when these thoughts and images come? Thank you for your help.

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    • Jan Smith 03/03/2018, 4:16 PM

      Here’s what I say: “Heavenly Father, I ask you to block all unwanted thoughts from my mind. I only want to have God-honoring thoughts in my mind. Thank you in advance for doing it again today.”

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    • Johanna Stokes Stokes 05/15/2018, 4:40 PM

      I’ve once had bad thoughts a lot. But now I am getting so much better. I asked God in all honesty to help me to have a strong sound spiritual mind as He promised. He thought me to always lean and trust on His word (His scriptures). I’ve done this honestly and it has really helped me. I also told God that I didn’t know how and to teach me. He did it all. So go to Him believing that He hears and will do all and beyond you ask. Then watch your self kick back lavishing in His promises and Goodness.

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  • Renier 02/20/2018, 5:15 AM

    This really helped me a lot. Thank you so much and God bless you for helping us.

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  • Kelvin 01/29/2018, 2:32 PM

    God bless you as he blessed me through you.

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  • Timmy 01/19/2018, 9:48 PM

    Thank you so much for that. I have been struggling with impure and unwanted thoughts for a while now. Sometimes I’m alright and many times my mind is flooded with obsessive and unwanted thoughts. Thank you for this post and for showing the truth, that we can be free. But only through Jesus and His liberating Word. I plan on reading my Bible a lot more and remembering Bible verses. I am going to be free. I declare this in faith and in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much! God bless you!

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    • Jan Smith 01/20/2018, 3:52 PM

      Hey, Timmy! Thanks for taking time to write and to declare your willingness to take a stand against the devil. I just want to mention one thing, though. You said, “I am going to be free.” In fact, you already ARE free, because Jesus says you are. so, when you realize that the devil is trying to get into your head, do what Jesus did: say, “Be gone Satan, for it is written…”. He has to flee because the power is in the Word!

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  • Amanda Morrin 12/25/2017, 11:39 PM

    Very good teaching, but I also believe that fasting also removes spirits that have deeply lodged within ones soul. I personally suffered bpd, which was inherited as well as depression, jesus explained to the apostles some spirits will only be removed by prayer and fasting
    God Bless you your sister in christ
    Amanda jane

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    • Jan Smith 01/12/2018, 11:20 AM

      Amanda, you are absolutely correct! Thank you for pointing that out.

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      • Tiffanie Carter 01/30/2018, 4:01 AM

        I love reading your articles. I have done all that are in these articles priorior but I continue to keep my mind renewed. What mainly stuck out to me is scripture memorizing. It time I add more. To my memory bank. You are Blessed To God be the. Glory.
        To all who say they are having reoccurring bass thoughts forgive your self ask God for forgivness. Also, count it all joy. You are actually going through mind Olympics. God is training your mind. Stand on The truth. Put on the full armor of God daily. Never give up. This is not a part time endeavor its afull-time life style. There are 12 months in a year and 12 years in school for a reason. It takes time.

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        • Jan Smith 01/31/2018, 8:01 PM

          Hey, Tiffanie, I like your analogy of “mind Olympics” when we struggle through our trials. Thanks so much for your kind and sincere words. It makes my day to hear from someone who has taken a step of faith by actually doing these things that I urge people to do. It adds credibility to my claims when others who read the comments see that it actually works!

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  • Kemy Ojo 12/12/2017, 1:44 PM

    I thank God for your write up am in this thoughts since when I was seven years old, I had a thought that say who wrote the bible, who were there and so many and since then I have been under this boundage for 42 years, thank be to God what I read tonight will be of help to me, attacking evil thoughts with the word of God thanks.

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    • Jan Smith 01/12/2018, 11:46 AM

      Thank you for your story, Kemy. God is so good, and He is always available.

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  • Miranda 12/08/2017, 7:42 PM

    Thank you for the tools to conquer spiritual warfare??????????

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    • Jan Smith 01/12/2018, 11:32 AM

      Thanks for kind words, Miranda. God poured a lot of wisdom into me through lots of adversity. Now it’s my great joy to pour it out to others.

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  • Gina McCoy 11/29/2017, 6:06 PM

    Thank you! I needed this.

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  • Thabang 11/27/2017, 3:11 AM

    Hi grt article. I had mild state of hocd for abt 3 months. I have used the word of God like u said and The thoughts do not bring anxiety anymore.i have memorized scriptures and they have dne wonders. Bt sometimes usually struggle with checking. I struggle with disciplining my mind wen m bored of frustrated. I think positively wen m happy especially wen m at church. I do it with eace. Sometimes i even forget them. Bt wen m bored i check if the thoughts are still there n if i am able to think of these thoights. Can u gve advice regarding being disciplined wen m frustrated or bored?

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    • Jan Smith 12/03/2017, 6:53 PM

      Thabang, my advice in all these things is always to invite God to help you to get through it. The more you do that, the easier it becomes. You might compare it to learning to play the piano or the violin. At first, it seems impossible. But if you keep practicing, eventually you can do it.
      Or, you might compare it to strengthening your muscles. The first time you lift the weights, it seems that nothing changes. But over time, you get stronger. Then God gives you bigger weights! He wants to transform you into a super-conqueror!

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      • Thabang 12/07/2017, 3:30 AM

        Thank you so much for your reply and wonderful work in the ministry. U right wen u say it takes time, but once u get it, its amaxing and it becomes ur second nature. I have realized our thoughts life is 1 of the most important part of our lives. God has really healed me from fear and hocd. I will forever work on scripture memorization and meditation bcos the devil does nt stop to attack so we must also nt stop attacking. Its unbelivable wht the Word of God does wen u speak it and believe it with youtr heart. What u wrote here s powerful and life changing, i pray everyone who reads it will be committed to do all this. God bless u.

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  • Peter 10/10/2017, 7:34 PM

    Thank you Jan for your direction with Gods words of truth and power.
    We as Christians forget the power of his words, I will start to read his word daily and use your tips which are Gods promises to everyone who will believe in them.
    I thank you brother Jan you have made me begin to be the man that I want to be for God especially for my family!
    God is blessing you with great works within his flock!

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    • Jan Smith 10/14/2017, 6:35 PM

      Thanks, Peter. It’s good that you (and everyone) understand: God has equipped me, and now He is using me in the process of bringing comfort from His Word to you.

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  • Nj 10/09/2017, 10:39 AM

    hi so I wrote here before about thoughts that were ungoldy. I was relieved of them thank God. Then out of the blue again they came again, might not be the exact thoughts but thoughts I don’t want to have. Imagine I’m actually asking myself if I love my son, since he was on my womb I loved him I take care of him I’m a single parent I do an honest job to take care of him. So why has all this doubt of me loving my son has come from. I mean it depressing is like I’m thinking I don’t deserve him. I feel bad for even feeling like this I pray an ask God to remove the feeling is like I can’t even explain to God how I feel

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    • Jan Smith 10/14/2017, 5:37 PM

      Nj, you have raised an important point. Now that you know the truth, why do these thoughts keep coming into your mind?
      You have to understand: Satan and his demons are like cockroaches. They never go away; they just hide for a while and then come back.
      That’s why I strive to keep my own mind saturated with the Word of God throughout the day. And verses come to mind frequently.
      But it’s a daily thing. Once you know the Truth, you can quickly sweep those evil cockroach/demons away.

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  • RG 09/22/2017, 9:31 PM

    It’s horrible. I have anxiety and OCD. The thoughts are driving me nuts. It bothers me because it is incredibly offensive. It makes me feel disgusting to think these thoughts about my Creator. The problem is that not only are the thoughts there, but the thoughts to control the thoughts are corrupt too.

    Like I pray to God and I feel so hurt and repent but then the thoughts get nasty and there are things like ‘haha yeah we fooled him didn’t we?’ Like seriously?!! It’s breaking my heart! It makes me scared that it is coming from somewhere deep inside me but I have loved the Lord since I was a little kid, so I can’t believe that.

    When I was younger, He used to make them disappear without any effort. It was an amazing gift but I must have gotten distracted, and it must have gotten overwhelming and I think it pushed me away. So now I think because it’s not working anymore my faith has decreased or maybe I don’t deserve that gift even more. 🙁

    I try to pray and arm myself with God because I know that the devil is trying to separate me from Him because I am so ashamed. But that is not something I want to happen now as a born-again Christian.

    If I read the Bible or try something Christian, it’s like the thought is an annoying kid who just HAS to do it like ‘na-na-na’. I know it’s coming and I can’t stop it, then I get scared like what if the Lord blocks it for me and I still ‘find’ the thought. 🙁

    It is seriously stressing me out, causing me pain. I’m terrified that some of these evil thoughts are my own. God help me.

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    • Jan Smith 09/27/2017, 8:47 PM

      RG, did you read the article that you are commenting on? If so, have you tried doing what I urged readers to do? It’s not a quick fix, but it works. God’s “thoughts” (that’s what the Bible is) are more powerful than the devil’s thoughts. And they cannot coexist. You have the power to choose which thoughts you want in your mind. Choose wisely!

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    • Nj 10/14/2017, 9:01 AM

      I totally understand how u feel I also have a intrusive thoughts and its heart breaking because I want them out of my head. Sometimes

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    • britt 06/27/2018, 5:47 PM

      sister did you deal with the ocd where you try to find positive but the positive turns negative and than its feelings with the thoughts you try to get away but the thought with the feelings try to come back its horrible i dont get it :((((((((((

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    • Laken 08/07/2018, 3:10 PM

      Wow I wish I could personally talk to you. I relate to this so much

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  • joel 09/14/2017, 10:59 AM

    now for me my problem is that when i try to stop thinking negative thoughts,the worse it becomes.and when am like giving up then i realise that am not thinking lustful or negative thoughts.but this only lasts for are few days or hours.and then before i know it again i find myself back in these lustful thoughts.

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    • Jan Smith 09/14/2017, 11:56 AM

      Hi, Joel,
      After reading your comments, I went back and did a quick review of the article. Everything you need to know is in there. It won’t be a quick-fix You have to saturate your mind with God’s thoughts that when the devil tries to deliver his garbage, you can refuse delivery. I’m doing these things myself because the devil is really on me for writing all this about how to stand against him. If you do nothing, a year from now you’ll have the same problems. If you do what I’m recommending — as Jesus said — “the truth will set you free”

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  • joel 09/14/2017, 10:53 AM

    praise God brother how can i creat Godly thoughts and use them to drive out the ungoldly thoughts.

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  • joel 09/14/2017, 10:51 AM

    Amen i hv red the message is so profound.glory to also struggling with impure thoughts and some times have been on top of lustful thoughts and other times am help me more.

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  • Sheri 09/10/2017, 11:07 PM

    Thank you so much for your amazing website!! God bless you!!

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  • Marsha 08/30/2017, 1:09 PM

    What if fear came on you and you forgot to use word of God and allowed your fear of failing God get you tell.him as he was restoring you to not give you back holy spirit and let you go back to world since people accepted me and i gave up I forgot about word of God because when God was restoring me fear came on me and now I want to come back and don’t want enemy to win. Marsha

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  • jais 08/26/2017, 3:53 PM

    oh….God has brought me here
    thank you so much!!!!

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    • Jan Smith 08/29/2017, 10:39 AM

      Jais, thanks for writing. I’m glad you found this article helpful.

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  • Rachel 08/26/2017, 2:16 PM

    Hello, I just want to thank you for your ministry and tell you what a blessing this blog post has been to my life. I often have terrible thoughts that run through my mind. Thoughts that are not in my heart but happen to pop up. And I know they are from the enemy. I’ve been praying and asking God for a solution and he has given me one. Today I typed in : “How to keep bad thoughts away with scripture.” And I think your website was the second link. I clicked on it and started to read. Every word you wrote just awakened something in me. And, I just feel refreshed and hopeful. I don’t have to be a slave to the enemies lies. God is really using you to help the lost.

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    • Jan Smith 08/29/2017, 10:33 AM

      Rachel, I have to tell you a little story: When my oldest son, Joe, was a small boy, he and his grandfather built a birdhouse together. We put it up in the middle of a flower garden in our back yard. One day, we discovered that birds had built a nest in it. Joe was astonished! He said, “I didn’t think I could ever build something that the birds would really use”.
      My point is, that was my own attitude when I began writing this blog. I had no idea how God would use it for His purposes. This article has been read over 75,000 times! God is using Google and the internet and bunch of technology companies, and a guy who is about to turn 75 years old to put His wisdom out in the world where people can find it.
      Anyway, I’m so happy that you found this article and that it spoke to your heart. THAT was the Holy Spirit at work.
      Remember Jesus’ teaching of the Parable Of The Sower? (Matthew 13 and Mark 4) Your “soil” was ready and so the “seed” of God’s Word is able to help you.

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  • Misael Arvizu 08/21/2017, 5:58 AM

    This is honestly the best moment of my life! I have felt peace. Simply reading you article was a light revealing the Path to God.

    I have suffered from demonic thoughts which choke my life every day. And by the power & plan of God he brought me here to experience this True Peace that I have never felt before.

    What a good day it is to be saved by God this day. Glory to God, Blessed be the one who sits on the Throne of Mercy.

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    • Jan Smith 08/22/2017, 10:44 AM

      Misael, I’m so glad these things that God has moved me to write are helping. Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt impression about this article. Made me weep with joy!
      I have discovered that the more I choose to quickly turn to God when the enemy attacks, the easier it is and the stronger I become. You understand, it’s “the strength of His might”, not my own strength. But as James wrote, “He gives us more and more grace…” (James 4:6)
      And regarding the demons, can you imagine the rage they have toward me for writing these things? I feel it, but the joy of drawing near to God is so much stronger.

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  • mark 08/16/2017, 10:29 AM

    hank you i came here cause im getting unwanted thoughts they have been driving me insane i have evain thought of killing myself ihave saved some of the scrips and i am gonna try memrize them

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  • Bj Fletcher 08/16/2017, 6:20 AM

    This has been a powerful message in helping to know how to battle the thoughts of your mind! May God allow you to reach out to all saved and lost persons of this world!!!

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    • Jan Smith 08/22/2017, 10:55 AM

      Thanks for your comment, BJ.
      I was thinking: if you have any social media accounts, you could help others by putting a link to this article out there.

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  • linda 08/16/2017, 2:48 AM

    I need prayer today for me and bernard

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    • Jan Smith 08/22/2017, 11:02 AM

      Linda, I have been and will be praying or both of you/

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  • Kristine 08/08/2017, 11:19 PM

    Thank you so much for this article. It sometimes feels like when I move closer to God, then immediately stronger attacks happen to make me fearful and nervous and doubt. But I will keep seeking God. I have lived so many years after the tune of trying harder, and as you write it only leads to failure and self blame. I thought I was seeking good, but “trying harder” is all a trick. Now I want to let that go, and not worry as the Bible says. Trust, surrender and not worry. Thank you again.

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    • Jan Smith 08/09/2017, 7:29 PM

      Kristine, it delights me no end to know that somehow God worked through me to show you these truths so that you can live in the victory that Jesus has already provided for you.

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  • anju 08/01/2017, 4:00 AM

    chris,i have been fighting with this evil thoughts since the day i decided to allow god in my life.evrytime i try to get close to god satan does something to divert my am jobless,i have taken money from people,i have committed sin,adultery,i have lied to family and friends,but i have realized my mistakes,and now i want to give my life to god.i want him to give me peace in my life.remove all the evil things from me.give me strength and power to grow more in me.lead me in his path.wenever i read the sriptures i feel peace.i feel some new power but then again after sometime i forget those scriptures.i was a very bright student in school.god has blessed me with very good grasping and memory power but wen it comes to bible verses am unable to remember them.satn always diverts my mind.i have loved a was all good between us but suddenly since past few months its not all good between us..he says we r not meant for each other .but then he even wants to be with me.he says he loves me cares for me..talks to me nicely ..but most of the times its only about sex…i dont want to commit any adultery now…i want him as my lifepartner.but he says his family wont agree and many other reasons.i have prayed for us alot of times…what should i do,..i want to come out of this sinful life.

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    • Jan Smith 08/09/2017, 8:47 PM

      Hi, Anju,
      You said that whan you read the scriptures you feel peace. but then after a time you forget them. Am I understanding you correctly?
      Don’t fee discouraged. That’s what the devil wants you to feel.
      When I found that the same thing (forgetting) was happening to me, I made a plan to refresh my mind on scriptures that I had memorized in the past. I read through and speak them out loud one or two days each week. That seems to help keep them available in my conscious memory.

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  • Dean 07/30/2017, 12:53 PM

    I am thirteen year old boy, and a Christian. But recently, my mind’s been clouded with bad thoughts that make it hard to pray. I thought that I must not be a real Christian, since I thought that a real Christian would be able to handle those thoughts. But I read your article, and I am going to try what you suggest! It is very encouraging, and I thank you for writing it.

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    • Jan Smith 08/07/2017, 9:13 AM

      Hi, Dean. I commend you for being smart enough at age 13 to even ask for help. Yo’re doing great!
      You are indeed a Christian. Those thoughts of doubt are being slipped into your mind by a demon. They specialize in leading people into sinful behavior, then accusing you before the throne of God. But Jesus paid the penalty for your sins on the cross.
      Joanne and I are working on a longer, more detailed reply which will become a blog post (Don’t worry; it won’t have your name on it!) We’re doing that because every Christian needs to understand these things. You cannot succeed just by trying harder. It takes the power of God’s Word to get victory, as you read in the article.
      Just think: did your parents disown you when you made mistakes? Of course not! And neither does God. He doesn’t demand that we be perfect. Jesus simply said, “Follow Me”.

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      • Dean 08/30/2017, 4:29 PM

        Thank you Jan. I am continuing to trust that God loves me, even through my mistakes. I’m currently memorizing the 1st chapter of Psalms.

        Could you let me know when you create that post? Thanks!

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  • Chris 07/21/2017, 5:28 AM

    I recently as a Christian, have been having racing thoughts about the vision of hell and the demonic attacks I have have ever since I was a little kid. Now, i have nothing but questions I ask the Lord daily. In the mean time, as I’m waiting for a change to happen, I am having racing thoughts about who I love and who I hate. Of course I only hate the devil and of course I love Jesus christ. My mind recently has been saying it so fast every night before I sleep, that I’m hoping I dont mix those sentences up on accident. I mean it’s crazy that I even think that at all and have racing thoughts to whare I can’t sleep bevause I dont want to say the wrong thing and disappoint Jesus. It’s gotta be a trick from the devil I think. I rebuked the devil countless times as I have racing thoughts. Anyone know what i could do? Thanks.

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    • Jan Smith 07/26/2017, 6:45 PM

      Chris, I commend you! You have a remarkably good grasp of what is going on between you and the devil.
      What you need to do is arm yourself with some ammunition from the Word of God, so that you can blast the devil with it when he tries to knock you down or mess with your mind. This is a supernatural problem and you can only handle it with a supernatural solution: God’s Word. THAT is the one thing in this world that the devil can’t control.

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  • Ana 07/15/2017, 11:59 PM

    Thank you so much for this. The Lord gave me a call and since then i’ve been having more attacks from the devil but God is stronger and lead me to this post so i can have the weapons to fight back.
    Pray for me please.

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    • Jan Smith 07/26/2017, 6:14 PM

      Ana, I’m so delighted right now that you found this and that it helped you.

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  • Linda 07/15/2017, 5:58 PM

    I enjoyed this article, I need this information to give to my friends. Thanks again.. God bless..

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    • Jan Smith 07/26/2017, 6:13 PM

      Hi, Linda,
      Thanks – be sure to send your friends over here to read this article.

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  • Nathnael 07/06/2017, 3:06 AM

    I am so thankful. I now know lotta of things. I have the knowledge now, what I need is the wisdom. I will put this into practice. May God continue to use you. The way you presented is amazing. Much love from East Africa.

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    • Jan Smith 07/12/2017, 5:54 PM

      Hey, now you’re on it, Nathnael! Head knowledge is only step #1. It’s when you put it into practice that you release the power of God’s Word intl your life!

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  • eric 07/01/2017, 4:05 PM

    i really thank God for meeting this POWERFUL WORDS OF GOD from u.I have been having this horrible thought as well about God.i know the devil is very tricky and when he touches your brain it very difficult to deal really having very bad times.Thank God for going to work much more harder to read and memorise my BIBLE to uproot this thought in the blood of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARITE who died on the cross for my sins.

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    • Jan Smith 07/12/2017, 5:49 PM

      What a wonderful message, Eric! I’m so proud of you for how you are taking hold of God’s Word.

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  • Burnetta 06/30/2017, 9:48 AM

    Hello , I am a women and I have been loosing my hair for the last 16mnts. It has caused me to be anxious and depressed. I’ve even had to get on medication. I’m ashamed that this has bothered me so much. It has left me heart broken and it’s hard for me to sense Gods presence I feel like he has abandoned me. Please pray for me!

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    • Jan Smith 07/12/2017, 5:30 PM

      Burnetta, you know what? You’re so precious in God’s sight. You are unique! You are God’s masterpiece. Pay no attention to the stupid beauty standards that the world sets up. To God, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And one day, you’d dance with Jesus. His opinion is the only one that really matters.

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  • Iris Martin 06/27/2017, 9:39 AM

    Would be great to send me Bible verses

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    • Jan Smith 07/12/2017, 5:13 PM

      Iris, how about you read through the articles and make a list. 🙂

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  • Mike 06/20/2017, 3:53 PM

    Would you suggest scriptures that deal with, or destroy, the plans, schemes, and efforts of the enemy in our lives? Maybe like ‘speaking to your mountain’ verses? For one verse, Jesus said that He has come so that He might destroy the works of the devil.
    How do we apply scriptures to those specific situations that are causing upheaval, upset, loss, etc. Circumstances that we realize are not God’s will for us.
    Thank you.

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    • Iris Martin 06/27/2017, 9:41 AM

      Please send me scripture s to banish unwanted thoughts and for me to partner with God

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      • Jan Smith 07/12/2017, 5:14 PM

        Everything you need is right there in the article.

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  • Samuel James 06/04/2017, 10:06 AM

    Love this beautiful words. I Pray that God will continue to empower you sir. Please i dont know if this request is right, i need someone that can sharpene me by God grace, help me to grow spiritually. No one want to listene to me for a long time but hope i can find here thanks

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    • Jan Smith 06/05/2017, 9:05 PM

      Samuel, I’m goad you found my article helpful. And thank you for your wonderful prayer for me. I am blessed by your words!
      I will send you a private message regarding the other issue you mentioned.

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  • GIDEON ADEBISI 05/28/2017, 8:53 AM

    I want to first of all appreciate the grace of God upon your life and ministry sir. You are one of those sent by God to build faith in the life of believers and to awaken the sleeping saints(strong men). I thank you so much. Words are not enough to show my gratitude on what God has used you to do in my Christian race through your message here.Thanks a lot and God keep you strong and obedient in what He has called you to do for Him on earth till you see Him in Glory in Jesus name.amen

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    • Jan Smith 05/29/2017, 9:03 PM

      Thank you for your kind words, Gideon!
      Of course, you know it’s not really me doing this, but Jesus working through me.

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  • Alison 05/22/2017, 9:38 AM

    I came across this wonderful post by accident and I can’t even begin to express how much I appreciate that you wrote this. I feel like I have been angry at God for so long and reading your post helped me see how desperately I need him. I think I have felt like he must prove himself to me and I see the ridiculousness in that now. God is so good and bless your for reminding me of that.

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    • Jan Smith 05/25/2017, 9:44 AM

      Alison, thank you for your kind words. Would’t you agree: we all need to be reminded at some point that God loves us and is working to give us the very best. And He has given us His Son, Jesus. And He has given us the Holy Spirit. And then He has given us His Word, without which we are helpless and at the mercy of an enemy who shows us no mercy.

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      • Alison 05/25/2017, 11:19 AM

        I absolutely agree. God Bless!

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  • T Young 05/21/2017, 3:24 PM

    Thank You so much, I love the Lord Me and my husband are believers in God, but every time I am trying to focus on the lord, the enemy puts foul thoughts in mind to cause me to be shameful and weak, but praise God for his people on this earth to minister to his people the solution that helps us to keep on our Journey in Christ with evidence of his help and his word. God Bless You

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    • Jan Smith 05/24/2017, 8:09 PM

      Thanks for your encouraging comment. The apostle Paul said this:

      3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3~4)

      That’s what I’m trying to do here on this blog: comfort others with the comfort God has given to me.

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  • Christie Bettie 05/03/2017, 7:48 AM

    Thank God for this wonderful post, I’ve been trying for years to get myself rid of all filthy thought that always hinder me from praying to God because i thought He will not listen to me. I have given up all hope I keep sinking in the sin of Immoral thought, but with these your post now I know that I”m more than an over-comer. God Bless you real good.

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    • Jan Smith 05/03/2017, 9:59 AM

      Hi, Christie! Thanks for sharing.
      You wrote, “i thought He will not listen to me”. In fact, that was not your thought at all. That thought was very cunningly slipped into your mind by Satan or one of his demons. They do this to everyone. It’s like you have this “prompter guy” in the background saying, “Now, repeat after me: ‘‘”, and you fall for it. You think that’s your own thought. And then, after he’s gotten you to meditate on his lies, he runs to the court of Heaven and accuses you before God, seeking permission to torment you even more.
      But when you saturate your mind with God’s thoughts — that’s what Bible verses are — the forces of hell are totally disarmed and disabled. The Holy Spirit becomes the gatekeeper of your mind!

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  • Yhwh mally 04/30/2017, 1:59 AM

    I Realized that the devil will not stop unil he gets you and he after does you realize the sin you commited and the devil disappear from your thoughts because he already got what he wanted out of you and now your beating yourself up and that’s exactly what he wants. But God Will Be there for you . Im 18 yrs old and i realized how strong God is in my life.

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    • Jan Smith 05/03/2017, 9:43 AM

      Yhwh, thanks for writing.
      One of the devil’s favorite strategies is to get you to sin, and then to heap guilt and shame upon you. Then he runs to the court of heaven and accuses you before God and demands permission to afflict you with misery.
      I commend you for knowing these things at such a young age. I had no knowledge of any spiritual details at that age.
      Good for you!

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  • SAMBY FREADY 04/20/2017, 6:39 AM

    wow very well written brother

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  • John P. 03/16/2017, 7:46 AM

    Hey Jan,

    I’m honestly grateful forgiving me some insight and food for thought. I’ve been struggling with unwanted thoughts lately and I felt it’s burden beginning to grow deeper until I finally decided to see if I could find a solution. And I’m most grateful to god for leading me to this article. I took the time to read this even here during my night shift. It’s been both enlightening and interesting. I’ll be sure to put your suggestions into practice as soon as I get home.

    Once more, thank you for your time in making this. God bless you!

    John P.

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    • Jan Smith 03/20/2017, 2:46 PM

      Thank you for writing, John. It’s always a battle, but it’s possible to win when you have the power of God’s Word working for you.

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      • Marsha 04/04/2017, 6:56 PM

        I was disobedidn’t to holy spirit when he gave me directions and evil thoughts about God developed and I knew who was. Choosing for husband but instead told God let me go back to world run own life forgetting that is devil side. Then he’ll thought kept playing in mind and I thought it was from God since went back and this spirit of pride said to God okay I will go there but then I am going to.destroy business and self first. Then I hardened heart and left faith. Met with minister and he asked about incident to Godhead since he can hear from them and God said I was heart broken, yes cuz lost him holy spirit told him heart change for me hardening heart against God and Jesus told him won’t die which means separation from God and go to hell. I have been wanting God and Jesus to grant me salvation again so I can back on their side and God has given me reprobate mind and hardened heart. I want back on God side.

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        • Hector Escobar 07/17/2018, 10:35 PM

          Repent and ask God to come back into your heart and he will… He has never left you. We are the once that leave him. If you want back with God just pray and ask him to come back to your life and I promise he will…

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  • Tega 03/15/2017, 9:16 PM

    Thanks u and god blesd

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  • TASHA 03/10/2017, 4:26 PM

    Thank you for this article. It brought so much peace to my mind. I have been tormented by fearful thoughts but I have learned to devour the word of God. I meditate on it day and night, it is the only weapon against the negative thoughts. They come at me thicke and hard but I know and I believe that it is all about to come to an end. I am determined to live a godly blessed life. I am keeping the word of God before me. Thank you for the adticle. It was a God send.

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    • Jan Smith 03/20/2017, 2:41 PM

      Tasha, thanks so much for your comment. Having struggled with these things myself, it’s such a joy to read that another believer has taken hold of God’s Word to benefit from the power He built into His Word.
      Here’s your chance now to help others bu sending them to this site to read this article. Share it with others that you may know who are struggling.

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  • David 03/03/2017, 8:10 AM

    Hi iv been battling with dis issue alot of unwanted thoughts dat i cnt control because of past mistakes, some can be insults on someone or anger from no were pls i really need help on how to control these thoughts cos i always consider it as a sin to God

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    • Jan Smith 03/20/2017, 2:06 PM

      David, tht’s why I wrote this article. Please read it carefully and do what it says. It won’t be a quick fix, but help will come if you persevere.

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  • Reshma 02/23/2017, 4:51 AM

    please Jesus Help me…Its been a very long time I have been suffering

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    • Jan Smith 03/20/2017, 2:00 PM

      Jesus will help you. But He won’t necessarily eliminate all your problems. He uses the strain of suffering to make you more like Jesus.

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  • Godfrey 02/20/2017, 11:00 AM

    Psalm 1:2 Blessed is the man whose delight is the law of the lord and who meditates on it day and night.

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    • Jan Smith 04/17/2017, 5:08 PM

      Hey, Godfrey, you nailed it! that’s what helps keep your mind ooff of ungodly things!

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  • Valerie A Jones 01/18/2017, 10:17 PM

    Wow!!! I am so grateful that God led me to this article! Thank you Jan. It has really helped me. The devil really works hard on my mind! I was praying so hard! Even as I would read His word the devil threw thoughts into my mind! Calling the Bible a lie and telling me what I was reading was crazy! So I googled and was led to your article. Since I’ve read it I use some of the verses you suggested and it has helped tremendously! God bless!!!!

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    • Jan Smith 01/20/2017, 2:25 PM

      Hey, Valerie: I’m so glad to read that you found help on Word Blessings. You just made my day!

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  • Jessica 12/14/2016, 6:49 PM

    ‘..that can lead you ultimately to Hell’
    Oh but cheer up! Here’s ..
    Lile really?

    I’m not saying we’re allowed to do what we want, but because I’m struggling with bad thoughts about God, bad thoughts in general, and feeling devastated and unhappy, then that means a demon is leading me to Hell? Then that’s just it for me?

    ‘..Nor demons, can seperate us from The Love of The Lord Jesus Christ’

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    • Jan Smith 12/23/2016, 6:08 PM

      Jessica, God loves you. In fact, He love you so much that He won’t force His love upon you. Pastors and people like me are trying — however imperfectly — to explain that God wants us to become disciples of Jesus. God wants that for every one of us.
      I and others are also trying to explain that there are evil beings (Satan and his demons) in the invisible realm that are fighting against God so as to draw us away from God. This is a cosmic battle. God only takes care of soldiers. Civilians are on their own. We cannot just go to church on Sunday, but nobody at work knows we’re saved on Monday.
      His supernatural power is available to every one of His soldiers. Everyone can be a soldier, but most are not. Are you?

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  • Pam Gray 12/08/2016, 7:55 AM

    Please send me a short prayer to overcome negative thoughts of fear and confusion.

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    • Jan Smith 12/20/2016, 11:35 AM

      Hi, Pam,
      I’m sorry to have to tell you that there is no such thing as a short prayer to overcome negative thoughts of fear and confusion.
      The only way I know of that actually works is to saturate your mind with God’s Word. You see, those negative thoughts are there because you have allowed them to be there. Those thoughts are there because Satan and his demons have put them there. You and I, like it or not, are in the middle of a great battle that began before the earth was formed, between Satan and God. Satan is so full of pride that he actually believes that he can our-maneuver God and keep control of this world we live in.
      God has given us all we need in order to stand firm against the devil and his demons.
      Only when you choose by faith to cooperate with God, and do things His way; only then can you enjoy the freedom that God has made available to you.
      God’s plan is to strengthen you through the trials of life, to make you more and more like Jesus.
      The article above has a fairly good recipe for what to do and how to do it.
      The battle you are in is taking place in your mind. But you have more control than you know. You can control what goes into your mind. But Satan has constructed the thinking of most who call themselves Christians such that they just want an easy-chair solution that will allow them to get on with their real life without any discomfort. That is not the Christian life. It will be in Heaven, bet we’re not there yet.
      Read my series of articles on Scripture memory. Click the “Blog Index” tab in the menu at the top. Read those articles and do what they tell you to do. It will take time, but along the way you will be astonished at how God’s Word takes hold of you. Do it!

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  • Pam Gray 12/08/2016, 7:52 AM

    Would you please show me a easy way to get rid of neg give and worry fearful confusing thoughts

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    • Jan Smith 12/09/2016, 6:00 PM

      Hi, Pam,
      Everything you need to know and do is either in this article, or in the supporting articles that are linked to this one.
      I’d suggest you go back to this summary list of seven things to consider. Click Here to go directly to that summary list.
      Read them 7 items over carefully, and begin doing what I’ve written there. It’s not a “quick fix” solution. There isn’t one (aside from popping pills — please don’t do that). You have a part in the process, but God will help you once you get started.
      If you’re really serious about wanting to break free from the torment of thoughts, consider my online course entitled How YOU Can Live In Peace It has just what you need to break free from the devil (he’s the source of all the thoughts you don’t want). and live in the peace that Jesus has already given you!

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  • Ann 12/04/2016, 8:13 PM

    Thanks Jan for your support in the ministry that God has given you to share with all of us who need it. Your a blessing and may God’s word continue to revive us to victory in know that if God is for us, who can be against us. Jesus won and so can we. We’re entitled to victory. But only through the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you again and again.

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    • Jan Smith 12/09/2016, 4:44 PM

      Ann, it’s so encouraging to me to read your words. And of course you know, it’s not really me. It’s the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ working through me, just as He said He wanted to do in each one of us. What a privilege it is to promote His thoughts (that’s what the Bible is, you know.) and write these things. Every day I get up thinking, “I get to do it again today!” I get to bring Glory to God through my writing and web skills.

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  • mccart 11/22/2016, 8:00 PM

    how can that be done

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    • Jan Smith 12/07/2016, 10:48 AM

      I am assuming that your question is about “how to get rid of unwanted thoughts”.
      There is plenty of “how-to” advice in the article. Maybe you should come back and read it over again.

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  • Paxton 11/21/2016, 7:46 PM

    Hello I am very fortunate to have found this article. I struggle everyday and even say I will “try harder” in my prayers everyday, and I also say “I cannot do it without you.” However not only do the thoughts not go away, but I turn away and knowingly sin everyday. I hope God gives me his blessing and I can overcome my weakness. I am an absolute believer, and sometimes find myself as the character in scripture who leads others away from God by making them think we can sin because it is forgiven. I know this and acknowledge this. Please let’s all pray for each other to stay strong in the armor of the word. It is the only truth in this world

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    • Jan Smith 11/22/2016, 11:03 AM

      Paxton, your comment is very well stated. As you said, “trying harder” doesn’t work as a permanent solution. Most of those unwanted thoughts (perhaps all of them?) come from Satan and his demons. They are relentless. But as you saw from the article, you and I can overpower the devil by applying God’s Word against them. So let me encourage you to get a few verses into your mind and into your heart. Rehearse them over and over in your mind. Then, when the test comes — and it will — you will be ready.

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  • JC 11/15/2016, 2:28 PM

    This Blog is very sobering! Thanks for creating it. I made a post up above, I would encourage anyone that follows this blog to read it, please, I do believe it will be greatly helpful for you. I am sorry that so many people are experiencing this terror of mind. “Oh Lord will you help us? Help us to receive your grace, to extend forgiveness, and to not lose heart. We really do need you God, and confess that if you do not save us, we will not be saved. You are our only hope. Please Father, look on the Son and be pleased. Make you word alive, not just mere words to be read, but a savior to be marveled. Help the sons and daughters, the mothers and fathers represented in this blog. Keep our kids in you mercy. Let us not be made afraid by the enemy of our souls. He is not as big as He supposes. He is the one who is blind, pitiable, and poor. Cursed above all the livestock. Yes Lord we too were cursed, but you have ransomed us back from that curse. You have grouped yourself with transgressors. You count yourself with us, and not against us. We love you. We need you. This is what it looks like to have faith, but we want freedom. In Jesus name. Amen.” Guys please check out the two resources I listed above, One is “Grace abounding” By John Bunyan, the same guy who wrote pilgrims progress, went through this same thing, and this book records his daily fight in his imagination and how satan accused him night and day, but how he got victory by God’s grace and the power of the word. The second was a book my wife and son got me last year for my Birthday, it instantly made me joyful. It is “prayer and spiritual warfare” by Charles Spurgeon. These two books are absolutely essential to anyone going through this, I cannot stress it enough. If i had the money and knew each person here, I would personally pay for them for you, that’s how earnest I am that you get these. Seek Him above all guys. He can be found. He want’s to be found. And more then that, He will find us. Not even death can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus. For whether we are alive or asleep we will appear with him, the great watcher of mankind, the Sheppard and overseer of our souls. Guy’s and Gal’s be honest about your sin too. Its not to condemn you, but sinful patterns have to warred against. Lets not be sleepy and lethargic about who God is, and what’s at stake. Hell is real, Gods wrath is real, and our sin is real. But Jesus is the solution for all of these, don’t let yourself be decieved that you have to go down without a fight. We are disigned by God, for his pleasure. Some of you do not like yourself very much at all, and that is somewhat fine. Self Esteem, cant even save you. Think of what Moses said when God called Him in Exodus 4:10-11 “But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” 11Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” God does not correct Moses and say, “oh Moses you can talk good man, you are eloquent, don’t think so low of yourself” No, rather God wants Moses to know that He is able to do as He please! Will we trust God is enough?! A bigger view of God is what is needed. He is mighty. He reigns in the heavens, see’s and knows everything. He makes the deaf? Then what about our situation of mental torment? Is He absent? No, God has ordained such things. He is sovereign over all people. Don’t seek refuge in a better version of you, because what if disaster strikes and takes away that better version of you, what if moth and rust break out and destroy your flesh? Be sure, our bodies will not stand the test of time, but our souls where made to live forever. We will live forever with Jesus, or die forever in hell. One way or another suicide will not take away that reality. So if any are thinking about that as a solution, I can assure you it is not one. I tell myself that daily. I will stand before Him, no matter if its today, or 30 years from now. No escaping that. And in fact I want that to be a joyous occasion, so I fight to make Christ my own, because He has made me His own. We must stand now. That coming from a guy who slept till 10:30 today, because of the immense pain. He is sufficient for us. Even our Despair He can and will work for His Glory, and our Good. Do not be faithless. But even if we are Faithless, He is faithful, for He cannot deny Himself. We have such a resting place in Jesus. Lets lay our heads on Him. I hope this also is encouraging.

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  • Renee 11/14/2016, 1:00 AM

    This is a blessing for me. I have been having horrible thoughts for a month now. I have offended the Lord and treated Him horribly. But I always say sorry then have the same recurring horrible thoughts. And I “try harder” to stop these thoughts instead of arming myself with the Word of God. Thank you for this article it truly is a blessing. I pray that God will forgive me for all I have done and that these horrible thoughts will go away permanently. God bless you

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    • Jan Smith 11/19/2016, 6:17 PM

      Renee, as you stated, “trying harder” doesn’t work as a permanent solution. I hope you will choose to do what I have written in the article.
      For even more information, you should check out my online course entitled How YOU Can Live In Peace

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      • Renee 11/19/2016, 9:28 PM

        Hi Jan, I have been saying bible verses in my head and I have found that it helps but I’m still having unwanted thoughts sometimes. Thank you for this article though and thank you for taking the time to respond to each of our comments. God bless you 🙂

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  • Devon 11/10/2016, 3:47 PM

    I just want to thank you so much for taking the time out to write all of this. I have been in desperate need of peace. The torment from Satan has been extremely heavy. God directed me to this page and it’s such a relief to know I’m not the only one who deals with these unwanted thoughts that seem so foreign! I pray over myself all the promises of God and also put in on armour of God in the morning. I feel it truly helps. There is power in the blood and nothing but Jesus alone!! To anyone reading this: you aren’t fighting alone, God fights these battles and promises to go before us.

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    • Jan Smith 11/19/2016, 6:09 PM

      Thank you, Devon! The things that I’ve written here are things I wish I had known things years ago. But as I learned more, God called me to write about the things He taught me.
      Devon, if you are really serious about living in peace, why not check out my online course, How YOU Can live In Peace
      If you would read and apply all the Bible wisdom I’ve put into this course, you won’t be afraid. You will be able to live in peace!

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  • Seth Engel 09/20/2016, 11:02 PM

    Dear Jan,

    I have been thinking of the same thing over and over again. It’s where I’m at a friends’ wedding, and every time I think about it, it either ends up good or bad. I’m stuck in this vicious thought cycle.

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    • Jan Smith 09/26/2016, 10:08 AM

      Hi, Seth,
      If you read the article, you know what to do. But knowing and doing are two different things. You have to train yourself by constant practice to keep saying to yourself, “These thoughts and/or intentions are not God-honoring thoughts or intentions! Therefore, I choose to meditate on God’s Word”.
      If you would begin doing that, here’s what you will see: at first, it will seem that it doesn’t work. Keep declaring the Truth. The more you think it, the stronger it gets. Quote God’s Word in your mind. You will see it get easier to replace the devil’s thoughts (that’w what those bad thoughts are) with God’s thoughts, which is what the verses in the Bible are.
      God’s thoughts, or the devil’s thoughts? You get to choose.

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  • Steven Garcia 09/19/2016, 5:53 PM

    Thank you God, thank you Jesus for guiding my mind to seeking out this message. Thank you Jan for this article and your words of God and truth. I am being saved from the devil for he will not have my heart. My heart belongs to God. I’ve been through tough times this year with my break-up being the biggest set back……no, it has allowed me to grow. In life we all need to fall in order to get back up stronger than before. God has given us free will and with that, it is choice of heart where we chose to go. God was always with me. Times may be tough, I may have lost her, my job, and precious time through sadness and sense of self, but I have not lost my faith in God. The power of heaven flows inside me. Inside us all! The devil is a LIAR! Truth comes from God and I will open my heart to him. I won’t give up nor give in to the Devils words of evil. I love myself as I love God. I know that at the end of the dark tunnel, there is light and that light is the divine holiness of God waiting to bathe me in its essence, cleansing me of all sin. I encourage all else to keep walking forward. The past is of old as we are in the present creating a heavenly future in gods name. Don’t give up! Together in faith we can overcome the devil and receive the love of God. It was fate leading me to this site so that I can open my eyes and see that all is well. God bless us all!

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    • Jan Smith 09/20/2016, 6:59 PM

      Steven, what a great recovery you are on! I’ve been in that dark tunnel you mentioned, and I knew none of these things you read here today. It’s HARD! But God is great, and I know you will cone out of that tunnel.
      I’m just so glad I could help you today.

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  • okeke mathias 09/15/2016, 6:57 AM

    i am very excited to read dis.transformation of mind in progress

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  • Arianna 09/14/2016, 1:46 PM

    I always knew I was a special person but I let the devil control me all my life. I have always known what’s right but I chose the easy path. Today is the day I accept who I am and that my mistakes don’t make me who I am. Its funny I’m 16 and very wise, just lazy 🙂 thanks for the help

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    • Jan Smith 09/17/2016, 12:32 PM

      Arianna, welcome to the human race! At age 16, you are way ahead of where I was at that age. I was lazy too, until God got my attention.

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  • travisl 09/13/2016, 8:05 PM

    the devil has been on me for a few days. He tried to inflict a panic attack on me also–all I could keep saying was thank you Jesus and as always–Jesus came through again.
    thanks for your articles and

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  • Teddy 09/10/2016, 6:58 PM

    Dear God, I now know I have been lying to myself a lot. I am worthless and weak without your help. Today, I seek your forgiveness and help. I am so sorry for abandoning your principles and teachings.
    I need your peace, so help me God.

    Dear Mr. Jan, Thank you for this opportunity. Please all Christians prey for me as I try to break my habits of sinful life. Thank you.

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    • Jan Smith 09/12/2016, 10:59 AM

      Teddy, I know it’s pleasing to God to see you turning to Him. When the devil tries to knock you down, do what Jesus did: say to the devel, “Be gone Satan, for it is written…” and then add an appropriate Scripture. Then say to the devil, “Go to hell, in the name of Jesus!!”. The devil can’t stand hearing the name Jesus. So if you do nothing more than say, “Jesus help me! Jesus help me, Jesus…Jesus”/ Keep repeating His name. That terrifies the devil.

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      • Teddy 09/17/2016, 11:59 PM

        Dear Mr. Jan.

        Thank you. For your advice. It was almost instantanous response from Jesus. He is at work in my life now. What Jesus can defeat in a second is what I was struggling with for so long.

        Now I know spiritual growth is equally important. I still needs prayers from all Christians.

        Dear God, I need your protection, your healing, your teaching, your direction.

        Devil works in the shadow to destroy me, he only sees me but he doesn’t see the guardians around me. Devil, I will betray you, Jesus is with me now. He is my saviour and my shield in whom I take refuge.

        You plan against me will not work, God hav seen it already!

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  • HJ 09/07/2016, 7:52 AM

    Dear Mr. Smith, I’ve been declaring, meditating, and reading God’s word more lately, particularly ones about fear. My ultimate fear is that I am not trusting enough in Jesus to save me because I listened to lies from the devil, and my previously strong faith is now weak. I struggle to feel and know the guidance of the holy spirit. I believe in God’s word completely. The problem is, when I read the bible, my mind latches on to all the negative parts like “those who obey not the gospel” “without faith it is impossible to please God” etc. I can say that after many months of pure terror and panic attacks, the fear has lessened significantly, and I received some deliverance recently, with an encouraging word that “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set me free” and “I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all of my fears.” When the same fears pop up, I cling to those. It’s difficult to function during the day, because I meditate constantly, and I just want to be free and secure in my relationship. The tremendous love I used to feel has been replaced with numbness/emptiness and I pray that God will fill me again with his perfect love so that I may love in deed and truth. Please pray for me. Thank you for your blog, and God bless

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    • Jan Smith 09/12/2016, 11:27 AM

      HJ, the wonder of God is that you don’t have to be perfect. God takes you right where you are — but He doesn’t leave you where you are.
      The devil will always tell you “You’re not good enough!” Well, of course you’re not! None of us is good enough. But God will work through both of us — if we will surrender out right to be independent from Him, and allow Him to train us and tech us and work through us. Sometimes the training hurts. But it’s worth it.

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    • JC 11/15/2016, 1:57 PM

      Hey, I just wanted to recommend a few helpful authors for what you are going through. One is John Bunyan the book is “grace abounding”. This book has been extremely encouraging to me to see a giant of the the faith go through exactly what you are describing. Also Charles Spurgeon “the treasury of David a commentary on the Psalms”. Really any book by Spurgeon is super helpful when battling what seems like thoughts of “am I under wrath” or “am I under grace”. I have gone through this intensively for 3 years now, and have thought I am going crazy. Truth is I am not going crazy, and even if I where so what!! Faith is better then sanity!! My mind cannot save me, but Faith in the son of God can. It is better to enter the kingdom of heaven maimed then to enter hell whole. Jesus’ words not my own! Back to my point though, the best part of reading Spurgeon for me is to help me to have assurance of salvation, even though my thought life is not what I would like it to be, and also reading him I often forget about myself (this is delightful). The worries and invasive thoughts stop, not every time of course, as its no mere formula that can get us out of doubtful thought patterns, but rather God alone. And whether they are brought on by the enemy or our own unbelief, the message is the same. Salvation for us is just a morsel of bread from the masters table. We have a big God, with infinite affections that he has set on us. Wrath is real, absolutely! And it is right to fear God, no doubt. But God, does not want us in a constant state of fear, this is not from God. He has given His Spirit so we can be grateful for what He has given (1 Corn 2:12). Let me urge you with this, God has allowed you to see the severity of Heaven and Hell. That we walk on the precipice of eternity, this is reality! Our old natures think we must have joy, peace, and contentment as signs of salvation. But these are no sure signs of indwelling faith, for even unbelievers have a hint of these and they have no faith! “care more for a grain of faith, then a ton of excitment” (Spurgeon). If God gets you out of this, you will see all this was His mercy for you. After all, He wants to rouse a deaf world and is seeking true worshipers of Himself! And in our day and age that takes quite an effort on Gods part. The positive side of negative thought patterns is that you run to whom for help? It really is the breeding ground of both a resentment of God, and a love of God. Keep seeking Him that it would be a love of Him. And if you find yourself resenting Him and wanting to curse Him, cry out all the more. Say “Though He Slay me, Yet I will Hope in Him” (Job13:15) or “Then I will go to the king, thought it is against the law, and if I perish I perish” (Esther 4:16) or “He gives to the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry” (Psalm 147:9)
      or He answers even the prayers of the wicked, see PSALM 78, The Book of Judges, 2 Chronicles 33: Manasseh being heard by God even though he did terrible things. The Best book I would recommend besides “grace abounding” by John Bunyan, is “Prayer and Spiritual warfare” by Spurgeon. This book has been a life saver, truly! Please get it. Counseling would be helpful. Not having to much time on your hands is another thing. It can seem impossible to break the cycle, and get back out into the real world while in a constant state of distraction, I understand that. But be gracious to yourself, keep trying to inch along. It is never wrong to have faith, ok. Never. So do not disqualify yourself. It is never wrong to believe God. I regularly find myself thinking, “oh what if God doesn’t want me? and I am one of those people who will be found serving Him when I’m not really a disciple? Or what If I am like Esau and not like Jacob? I should stop myself from pretending to love God, Or I should stop believing that I believe Him” These are all ridiculous thoughts!!! He will not turn away one person who comes to Him, not ONE! Hell will have NOT ONE person in it that has cried out for Mercy!!!It was not designed for such a person. It is never wrong to have faith! It is only wrong to not have faith. That is what the root of all sin is, unbelief. For it is impossible to please God without faith! Anything then that does not proceed from faith is sin! Wrestle then for this, more then a clear thought life. Unless of course what we desire is a healthy life now, and faith is not actually on our radar at all. Don’t look at the world and think what they have is what you want. Or even other Christians. Look at God, and say I want to believe you! I don’t feel like I do though. Even in this feeling that says I don’t believe, I am still coming to you, I will never stop, even if I am in pain the rest of my life, I will never stop fighting for faith. When your distracted just moan in your distress, when you can’t think straight, just cry, even if you have no tears left! The bible says to be wretched and mourn, in some places right? Or read Lamentation 3! See what it looks like to have you mouth grinding on gravel and still say you have hope. Or Malachi 3:6 “I the Lord do not change, therefore you children of Jacob are not consumed” Why was Jacob loved and Esau hated? Not because of anything resident in them! Not because Jacob was better then the Esau. The verse says plainly, Jacob is loved and not consumed by God, BECAUSE God never changes! The question has to be then what is it that God didn’t change in? How does God not changing mean Jacob is loved? Well, the promise of God to Abraham, The blessing received by Jacob when he deceived his brother, wrestled the angel, and therefore God will not back out on a promise, ever! So what Promises are in the Bible for us? Any that come to the son, I will in no way cast out? Why are we saved? Not because of our works, that includes our thoughts, but rather we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, ALONE! He will not hate us, if we say I am with you Jesus. He will always say I am with you then too! GOD IS LOVE! The Bible never says God Is wrath. Not by nature. His wrath is a response, not an attribute of himself. Thats why perfect love drives out fear. Because fear has to do with punishment. If Jesus has died and risen, and you believe in Him, and want Him, then you are not destined for wrath. For no one who is for us, is against us. Jesus words. I think that’s enough. I hope this will be read and helpful by someone on here.

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  • Jimmy vishwasi 09/03/2016, 2:15 AM

    Sir i am suffring from thoughts.
    Devil constantly putting in my mind he whispering constantly you are mad you are mad.
    And i know i am not.
    But this is quite disturbing.
    And i am doing my work but not from thi bottom of my heart.
    I want my first life back.

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    • Jan Smith 09/03/2016, 12:42 PM

      Hi, Jimmy,
      The more you know about what God says about you, the more you will be able to stand against the lies of the devil. The devil wants you to believe that you are a hopeless loser. But we know from the Bible (see John 8:44) that the devil always lies. So when the devil tells you that you are going mad, you can be certain that the opposite is the truth! Because the devil always lies.
      In fact, I have an article entitled “The Devil Always Lies” that I urge you to read. It will show you some truth that you need right now.

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  • cee 08/23/2016, 7:19 PM

    thank you for the article. truely the word of God is sharper than a two edged sword. it slays the devil left right and center. I had sudden attacks in my mind filthy ungodly thoughts I immediately knew this aint me and truely the condemnation after that was not my God coz God convicts us he does not condemn us. so i took steps and researched in getting rid of evil thots and found this article. and this article nailed it to the point. have you noticed devil does not like us reading bible he tries to keep us busy or entertained with tv etc but wen we wanna read bible we get tired or bored. it’s coz there is a strong mystery to this bible. The word is God himself and if you apply God in your life heart mind you practically chase away the devil he Wil truely flee. I was Ill for few months and healing scriptures from tge biblevpulled me through and I was made whole and healed by faith . there truely is power in the word let’s take time to read the word enjoy it engrave it in our heart’s and minds and our lives will never be the same again. and encourage each other as children of God to fight this battle. Fight the good fight of faith.

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    • Jan Smith 08/24/2016, 3:23 PM

      Hi, Cee! I think you’ve got a good grasp of how this works. I agree with everything you said!

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      • Shola 09/04/2016, 3:49 AM

        Wow this is so in depth and helpful I got saved five months ago but I kept having unwanted intrusive thoughts I keep. Getting memories of things ppl have done to hurt me in the past but I’m sure I’ve forgiven and moved on but it’s as if Satan wants me to hold on to. Those things these ppl did I started getting worried cause I’m a child of God I never want to grieve the Holy Spirit or offend God or take his marvellous grace for granted I kept praying but I wasn’t using proper Scriptures I thought the thoughts will just fade away how wrong I am so delighted to come across this article it shed light I belong to God… Every thought will be taken captive by his might through his word God bless you for sharing several Scriptures and confessions we can use. Have a blessed Week ahead.

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        • Jan Smith 09/05/2016, 12:08 PM

          Shola, thanks for writing your comment. This is what really terrifies the devil. Jesus said in Luke 10:16, “He who hears you, hears Me…” So when You (and many others) come and read these things that God has moved me to write, and when you speak God’s Word, the devil thinks it’s Jesus speaking. The devil can’t tell the difference between a Christian speaking Truth or Jesus speaking. The devil is just terrified by the sound of the Words of Jesus. I’m so glad you discovered that today.

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  • rajendra ahirwar 08/14/2016, 5:10 AM

    i m getting bad thoughts against god when i think,see to god……….plzzzz help me

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    • Jan Smith 08/15/2016, 5:13 PM

      Hi, rajendra. The article you presumably read is intended to help you. But it’s up to you to apply the wisdom of God’s Word, as the article describes.
      This isn’t a “quick fix” thing. You have the power to change what you allow into your mind. I urge you to fill your mind with God’s thoughts. That’s what every word in the Bible is, you know. to keep doing it until it becomes natural. Putting God’s thoughts into your mind pushes out the thoughts that the devil has put into your mind.

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  • Jess 08/09/2016, 3:41 PM

    Hello I have been battling the same issue for a year and a half now it is so frustrating I have horrible thoughts about God all the time I’m so scared he is going to be so mad at me cuss words are in my head and I don’t even say things like that I got saved last year and I have been in pure torment . When I first started going through I was in the word and praying every day and it seems as the months go by I have backed away I don’t know what’s going on I can’t pray like I did the thoughts are worse and all I do is cry. I have to small kids and I want to be better for them and my husband. I want to be used by God and do what he wants me to do I just do t hear his voice and I’m so confused I don’t know what else to do.

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    • Jan Smith 08/10/2016, 8:58 PM

      Hey, Jess, I’m glad you wrote. I know exactly how you feel.
      Now think about this: all of those negative thoughts and feelings are experienced in your mind, right? All thoughts and emotions — it’s all going on in your conscious mind. Now the devil would like you to believe that you have absolutely no control over what comes into your mind. What the devil DOES NOT want you to know is that you have available to you total control — provided your are solidly connected to Jesus. Part of the “HOW” of that claim is in the article you have commented on. Look in the “Blog Index” in the main menu to find related articles.

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  • Apapa Taiwo 08/08/2016, 6:05 AM

    I really thank God God for this article. The devil tried to gain way into my heart to deceive me. IT manifested in physical and psychological illness. I was immediately delivered when I used the power of the few verses I remembered. I saw the demon of fear and anxiety took to his heels. Just after reading this wonderful article, I brought out the book of memory verses I prepared four years ago. I didn’t use it but now, I will learn and meditate on it daily by God’s grace. Devil is the greatest liar. There’s no truth in him.

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    • Jan Smith 08/09/2016, 12:09 PM

      Apapa, I’m glad to see you have decided to do some Scripture memory. It’s the most helpful thing any of us can do.

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  • Nads 08/03/2016, 2:53 PM

    Glad I came Across this I’ve been bombarded with some unclean, ungodly thoughts since last Friday it happened so sudden. I feel disgusted by them because that is not me. I feel as if God hated me for these thoughts, my head hurts with these thoughts because I don’t want these thoughts in my mind. God knows I want to be over these thoughts I literally feel sick and unhappy.

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    • Jan Smith 08/03/2016, 6:42 PM

      Nads, your description of of how it made you feel is right out of the devil’s play book: entice humans to sin, then flood their minds with condemnation. But God is good, and He arranged for you to discover the truth and the way out of that kind of activity. Good for you. The angels are rejoicing in heaven right now!

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  • Howard J. Dean ll 08/02/2016, 10:45 AM

    I don’t like to leave public statements that are personal. I am always so happy to see people of science follow God faithfully. My grandfather was a biologist for the State of New York and was the same. I recently lost him at the age of 99. I was named after him. I’m very proud of that. May God Bless you and yours always for doing his work.

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  • Howard J. Dean ll 08/02/2016, 10:37 AM

    As always, I needed this and it came. God has already made many thoughts deplorable that were once a trap for me, relieving my soul tremendously. Today feels like my first day with God again. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our Lord Jesus’ precious name.

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    • Jan Smith 08/02/2016, 11:22 AM

      Hi, Howard.
      Your statement “Today feels like my first day with God again” expresses one of the reasons I write these things. God’s Word is so helpful, and I didn’t know that for most of my own life. I’m so glad to share what God has poured into me.

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  • Kim 07/31/2016, 6:29 AM

    Just wanted to say thank you for writing this post Jan. Thank you for allowing God to use you to get this message out to me and so many in the Body of Christ who are bombarded with negative thoughts and could not see a way out.

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  • Justin 07/27/2016, 6:52 PM

    So say perhaps memorizing and learning a bible verse a day is helping ? Also actually knowing the meaning of the bible verse?

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    • Jan Smith 08/01/2016, 10:29 AM

      Hi, Justin. Yes, you can do it that way (one verse each day). The way I’ve been doing it is to read many verses and even whole chapters and even whole books of the Bible just once each day. It takes time, but the end result is you have much Scripture in your mind, and you would have cultivated a great habit.

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  • Nana Temma 07/27/2016, 3:41 PM

    Am set free,God bless u.I’ve started using the word “for when the sin of God shall set me free then I shall indeed be free”.the spirit of truth has filled up my brain cos Yeshuah Hamashaiach is the TRUTH ” I am the way the TRUTH and light no one comes to the father except through me” . the trinity dwells in my heart and whole being therefore “I am complete in them,they are the head over all principalities and powers. Thanks n God bless you. Greetings from GHANA

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  • Windy 07/22/2016, 12:05 PM

    This is a blessing to me. I have been dealing with this for several months and God is teaching to fully rely on Him and His word. I’ve been doing it in my own strength. It shook my faith but I know now what I have to do. The only deliverance is faith and fully relying on Him. I was even scared to read my bible, I was distracted from reading it, and dealt with fear. Trusting God through this process!!

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    • Jan Smith 08/01/2016, 10:06 AM

      Hi, Windy,
      Now I hope you can see how the devil was blocking the Truth of God’s Word from you. When you said you were “scared” and “distracted” and were “dealing with fear”, those are all schemes the devil uses to keep you out of the Bible. I’m so goad for you that you broke free from that and now you can see God’s hand at work in your life.

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    • Bold4yah 08/01/2016, 12:32 PM

      saints cover me in prayer as the enemy everyday tries to speak into my ear the blasphemies against yeshua and his holy spirit. ive been going through this off and on the past five years. sometimes its even difficult to sleep


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      • Brittany 04/05/2018, 1:17 PM

        Hey brother I read the verses on the unpardonable sin and it scared me and bad thoughts came afterwards, Jesus delivered me but it came back i do not understand why the brain i deal with takes the negative thoughts and tries to replace it with positive. It works for awhile and the negative becomes more powerful 🙁 how do i get out is there hope even if i played with the thougth and deal with that negative thought. I feel hopeless. This fear went to changing a negative word to a positive word now a word where the mind takes the letters in the that word and tries to find bad words where when i say that word with that letter it brings that horrible thought how do i get out. Will the WORD OF GOD take it away :((((((((((((

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  • Isaac 07/19/2016, 11:59 AM

    Thank you so much I am going to start to memorize those scriptures you said to try and memorize thank you I was in alot of need of help because I started getting scared alot and then this page told me that the devil is only making me scared having anxiety etc. And with the power of God we can overcome those fears and make the devil flee I just can’t thank you enough truly God bless you

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  • Mary 05/16/2016, 12:15 PM

    Hi, I needed encouragement and guidance, so I typed in a few words in the search engine. I’m so happy that your page came up. It was so encouraging, and my soul has been blessed!

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  • Tijo 05/15/2016, 1:02 PM

    Thank you Jan for such a wonderful article.
    It really encouraged me to apply the power of god when the devil overpowers me with unwanted thoughts.
    i know really know which verse to use when lustful thoughts hit me.Please keep posting such wonderful articles to encourage and help others in the way of god.
    God bless you and your family always.Please do remember me in your prayers.

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  • TJ 05/13/2016, 6:40 AM

    great timing. Was in a moment of crisis and found this blog. Thank you and God bless you and your work.

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  • Louise 05/09/2016, 8:45 AM


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  • Sandy 05/06/2016, 8:16 PM

    Such a wonderful and much needed topic to study. You have done an excellent job here and got me back on track with with the TRUTHS OF SPIRITUL WARFARE. Thank you so much. This has been a much needed blessing for me and I am sure for many others. God bless you and your family in mighty ways brother, as I know He will.

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  • WilliamGolo 05/06/2016, 2:58 PM

    Appreciate you sharing, great forum topic.Thanks Again. Want more.

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    • Jan Smith 05/06/2016, 3:08 PM

      Thanks, William, I’m glad you found the article useful. As for your “Want more” statement, use the “Blog Index” link in the menu to see topics and all related articles. Lots more reading available. – Jan

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      • Anon 05/06/2016, 6:47 PM

        I see my post was never Approved or Replied too

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  • Anonymous 05/06/2016, 6:59 AM

    I have had a sudden intrusive thought that’s really troubling me, i have never been through this but suddenly i had a thought/dream that i grabbed my son by the neck when i was angry. I’m an easy going mom and dont’ get angry often, however going through alot of maritial stress…it’s been boggling my mind and that thought doesn’t leave my mind as i know it’s not me at all, my kids are my angel blessings so i’m been asking God to please clear my thoughts, help me to release this awful thought from Satan……

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    • Jan Smith 07/18/2016, 6:14 PM

      You are quite right. Those thoughts are not God-honoring thoughts. They are from the devil.

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  • I hate life 04/28/2016, 10:00 PM

    Lately I’ve been tormented. I can’t even read the Bible anymore I just can’t. I’m Being tormented of Seeing Visions of two men Kissing when I read about Jonathan and David. I also keep seeing images of Jesus giving me the middle finger or shooting me. I mainly get Tormented at night. I just feel like I’m lost. First it was against the Holy Spirit Now it’s gotten worse. If I had a Revolver I would Kill myself just to be free

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    • Jan Smith 07/18/2016, 6:33 PM

      But then, you would be in even worse torment.

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    • skyler 07/25/2016, 3:05 PM

      Please if you need help with these thoughts contact me, I have been through this storm many times.

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  • Stacie 04/27/2016, 2:34 AM

    Also wanted to add that I have been going through this for a while knowing what was going on but falling for them every time. The strongholds that are built in my mind are horrible and things I wouldn’t think and when I try to think on things that were good (Philippians 4:8) so much confusion would stir up and I know God is not the author of confusion. I absolutely hate these over whelming feelings and over whelming thoughts to the point to where I try and go forward the farther I get I go in reverse. Every time I have went through is when something bad has happened in my life. I never knew what it was to leant to God’s thoughts until I read it’s his word. That makes so much sense to me now.

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  • Stacie 04/27/2016, 2:21 AM

    I love the writing and the simplicity of it. The devil or demons want you to think it’s so hard and it all has to be done at once. The thing is as well they are strong holds that’s why it takes time and is not over night a strong hold is something with a grip and you have to keep using God’s word and the grip becomes less and less to where eventually the grip (stronghold) has to break! Who ever wrote this I thank you! You broke it down so simple and backed every bit of it up with God’s word! Standing on faith may be hard when the mountain seems so far away it’s actually closer than you think. Thank you and God bless!

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    • Jan Smith 04/27/2016, 6:01 PM

      Now you’re on it, Stacie! Hell is trembling and the demons are terrified because another believer knows the truth!

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  • Leo Rina 04/26/2016, 12:43 PM

    This article really teaches the importance of knowing the verses of the Bible by heart and it inspires me to learn them everyday

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  • ndl 04/25/2016, 1:18 PM

    I have been having an emotional affair with someone who lives across the country. We send e-mails, videos and pictures. We have tried several times to “just be friends” but it always leads to inappropriate kind of talk. A few months ago My husband found out and I told him we quit talking but we just found another way to communicate. Right now he is on a trip for work and I almost had plans to meet him. He is someone I had an affair with in person over 10 years ago and we reconnected through e-mail. This past week this other person told me he didn’t want to communicate with me anymore because he wants to do what God wants him to do which I have been having the same thoughts. I have been thinking of ways to end it for weeks but it was just too hard. I am too weak. So now that it is ended I feel miserable. I have very strong urges to contact him. I feel like I miss him so much but it’s got to be the devil tricking me right? My body physically hurts because I can’t be with him. This is how I think I feel. It feels real. I know it is not in God’s plan for us to be together. God wants our marriages to work. The thought of not ever being able to communicate with this other person is torcher. I need to completely get my mind off of this other person and focus on my husband and children. It is to the point where I am a terrible wife, mother, worker, everything. I was/am consumed by thoughts of this other person. I am really struggling with my thoughts. I talked with him by e-mail every day for the last 2 years. Sometimes all day while I was at work. I do feel like a part of me is missing but I know that’s got to be the devil. Please pray for me that God will free my mind and heart of this other person. I definitely can’t do it without God. I wrote down some of the verses so I can look at them when I feel consumed by this. I know God will help me on his time.

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    • Jan Smith 04/27/2016, 5:50 PM

      You have stated the problem, and you know what the right thing to do is. But you can’t do it on your own strength. I urge you to keep your focus on God and on His Word. There is power in speaking His Word. Declare the Truth over yourself regularly. Here are verses that I pray over myself daily:

      I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

      10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11)

      In fact you ought to memorize that whole passage: Ephesians 6:10-18

      And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5:24)

      No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

      Write these out on cards and pray them over yourself regularly. Declare that these words describe you. Say our loud, “That’s me in that verse. That’s how I live. and Lord, if I’m not there yet, help me to get there”.

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      • Reinhard 05/06/2016, 7:36 AM

        just by reading this article……….my day has been blessed iam now filled with alot of joy and hope in knowing that i can defeat the devil by simply just reciting the word of my father…….i dont need any weapon that a canal man uses but rather being one in spirit with Jesus christ means my heavenly father’s word is more powerful than anything man can throw against me…….A very beautiful article indeed Jan……..Iam trully blessed to have come across this article indeed God told me to come read it….Thank you very for the article

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  • Lionel 04/24/2016, 11:42 AM

    I have been beside myself looking for a way to stop my bouts with lustful thinking, and here it is!!! God bless you for providing me with the answer.

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    • Jan Smith 04/27/2016, 5:55 PM

      Lionel, thanks for writing. It’s such an encouragement to me to see that people are benefiting from these things. It ain’t me, you know. I am “the glove” and He is “the hand” in the glove. It’s Him Word that does it.

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  • Leticia 04/16/2016, 12:46 AM

    Am Leticia a young beliver, the devil is trying to put my mind captive thanks for those words am gonna use them

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  • nl 04/03/2016, 12:32 PM

    god bless you !
    Exact problem that you described : Try harder…Get it right…Do it better…Be perfect…FAIL!!! Start over.

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  • anonymous 04/03/2016, 12:29 PM

    it really helped me a lot !

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  • Daryl Drennan 03/21/2016, 6:14 AM

    Thank you for obeying God and putting this truth on here about God freeing my mind of unwanted thoughts. I’ve been working with God and He has freed me, bless Almighty God our Father who has power over everybody and everything and who can do all things, Glory to God!.

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  • Shelly 03/12/2016, 8:08 AM

    I cannot express to you how much this post affected me. I was abused as a child by family members, physically, emotionally, and sexually; Now that I am all grown up and have 3 kids of my own, I always swore I would NEVER harm them; however, the past year or so, awful, terrible thoughts began infiltrating my mind from out of nowhere, i.e, “You’re going to end up EXACTLY like those people! You’re going to harm your children! You may as well just give them up for adoption, it’s only a matter of time…” I always would feel horrified, terrified! At first, I tried to brush it off (“Oh don’t be silly! You’ve never even felt the URGE to hurt your children! Just forget about it.”), but as they persisted despite my best efforts, I started getting anxious, nervous. It soon devolved into anger at myself (“Why can’t I brush these off? What do all these thoughts say about ME? Am I really just that awful??”). It was a nightmare. I tried conventional psychiatry, which had absolutely nothing useful to offer me: I was told that “everyone has thoughts like those, just sit around thinking about them over and over and over until your brain gets bored and moves on!”… three guesses how well THAT worked out. The only other option was to just sit down and write down the thought and break it apart and analyze it ad nauseum, which didn’t help at all because I was ALREADY analyzing the daylights out of it! I felt so defeated when I first found this website and this post. Reading it, I felt something “click”. It made absolute sense, even though I had little idea why. I remembered something I was told months ago: Satan HATES families, he HATES strong families with a passion, and he HATES strong homeschooling families so much he will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to destroy them… he’s been toying with me, trying his absolute best to destroy my mind and thus, destroy my family. He wants me to give up and give in to him. He wants God to lose, and he will do his worst. He knows I am an analytical person, so… this is where he has tried hitting me the hardest. I have started to apply these principles that you have outlined here. It has been a few weeks, and as you stated, it doesn’t happen overnight and sometimes I find myself starting to “slip back” into anxiety; but now I am able to quickly catch it and ask God to bring it back on course. I don’t know when the last time was that I’ve had SEVERAL DAYS pass where not ONCE did I have these worrisome thoughts. I have so much hope for the future. It is so incredibly freeing. Praise be to God, that He saw fit to channel this wisdom through you for all to see and learn. It is much needed in our anxiety-inducing culture today.

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    • Jan Smith 03/13/2016, 6:18 PM

      Hi, Shelly, your words brought tears to my eyes when I read them. YOU (and of course, many others) are the person I’m thinking of when I sit at my computer and write these things down. Your words show how God works: He allows you to muddle along for a while, bumping into all kinds of obstacles while getting totally frustrated and discouraged. (And we know where all that frustration and discouragement comes from, right?)
      I hope that others who read your comment will at some level connect with you and “feel your pain” as they say, as you searched for a way out of what seemed like a hopeless maze of grief and despair. That’s what the devil wants all of us to be in.
      But I am so proud of you for your decision to actually try the using the Word of God as a defense against the devil. Now you described how you sort of have to push yourself a bit at first. It’s a discipline at that point, like going to the gym for a workout. But keep on, and here’s what will happen: after about a month (more or less, depending on the individual), you will begin to see your daily time with your verses as a desire! You will look forward to it. Keep going, and in a few more weeks, you’ll see it as a delight! You won’t be able to get enough. I’s like an addiction, but a good one!
      To read more details and encouragement about what I just said, read my article, Memorizing Scripture Takes Perseverance! Hang In There And Here’s What Will Happen:

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  • BeverlyScott 03/09/2016, 4:42 AM

    I am really spiritually sick in the mind and I really need help to remove the devil out of my mind , so that I can have a sound mind and thoughts of Christ. I really need that right now.

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    • Jan Smith 03/09/2016, 11:15 AM

      Beverly, you can have it! Just begin filling your mind with the Word of God. Every verse is a thought formed in the Mind of God in eternity past, then put into the mind of a human writer of the various books of the Bible. God’s Word is devil repellent. Just as cockroaches run when a light is turned on, demons run when the Word of God is spoken. Read Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus says to Satan over and over, “It is written…” followed by a truth from the Word of God. Jesus said over and over things like, “Peace be with you… let not your hearts be troubled.” Jesus meant for you to have peace. In John 16:33 He said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

      • In Him: peace
      • In the world: tribulation

      It’s up to you to choose! You can have that.
      The way I do it is to deliberately saturate my mind with the Word of God on a daily basis.

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    • Anthony 04/11/2016, 1:21 PM

      I suggest start by listening to klove or some other christian radio stations they’re a great way to pass time! Get into the word daily… like every chance you get! Next find a church near or far that does deliverance and healing ministries… I met a friend who took me to her church about 40 miles away from where I live and I’ve been going for about 4 months now and it’s really making the difference! Seek the fire of G-D there is no point to which you can come back to HIM from but realize how much HE hates sin and evil! Demons can’t flee from you if your heart isn’t made new and you’re still stuck in the same sin and things you were before. Realize they will do as much as they can to whisper words to your heart but G-D is pure love and he would never condemn you or give you vile or unclean thoughts it maybe your own mind from living such a way for so long but the enemy is constantly terrorizing us with such thoughts as well. Seek Jesus everyday every second and PRAY PRAY PRAY!

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    • Tricia 09/09/2016, 8:56 PM

      Yes, this is me too. Spiritually sick in my mind. I was constantly attacked by jealousy and envy, bitterness and resentment. I didn’t know this was the devil. I had received the holy spirit too, yrs ago but I didn’t know how to use the word of God to fight. I have allowed the devil to consume me with bitterness. It has eaten me up till I am sick. So sick. I just gave up and now I want innter soul peace and healing. So in the flesh and the world. But I am in so much trouble. I just stopped doing everything for myself. I got depressed and didn’t know how to fight. I just stopped God and everything and never started. I didn’t know what was going on. Now I want and NEED help that the doctors can’t help me with so it is like I am trying to MAKEUP because I was so weak and stupid. JUST IGNORANT about spiritual warfare. But I realize I don’t love and my whole body is like dying and everyone around me is clueless. But it is flesh and satan attacked me because I fell and went and did things and went places I shouldn’t have been but I feel satan took advantage of me because of my attitude towards God and my life was so ugly. Yes, now I want to be restored and healed from EVIL and I hate satan and what I have allowed to transpire in my life and feel my soul is so mottled. Please help me too if possible. I need the holy spirit and I do want to see God.

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  • Rachel 03/06/2016, 2:02 PM

    THANK YOU….Satan brings up thoughts I would never think of and try to convince me that it was myself that thought it. I am so weary but will try memorizing the verses above. God bless you

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    • Jan Smith 03/07/2016, 9:52 AM

      Hi, Rachel,
      As I read your comment, what came to my mind was something Jesus said about the devil in the Gospel of John: “…He [the devil] was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 6:44)
      When you realized that you were thinking thoughts that were not consistent with your own Christian walk, you were correct in identifying those thoughts as being from the devil. Good for you!

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  • Cameron K.I 02/28/2016, 2:02 PM

    This has been really fulfilling to me – I found a lot of insights and knowledge that can really help me. Thank you Mr. Jan, I appreciate this. I’m only 14 ;-; and these words really revitalized my mentality. Satan has been a butt to me recently because I have been refraining from the sinful activities some of the people in my school (10 grade) participate in. I truly want to have a good relationship with God, and this website has been something I know I will use and read over and over again. Thanks!!

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    • Jan Smith 03/08/2016, 10:14 AM

      Hi, Cameron,
      Now be sure to read your Bible every day and spend a little time putting a few verses into your memory. Doing those things will help you very much.

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  • Miranda 02/21/2016, 9:36 PM

    Best educational article that I’ve read. It really helped me in some areas of my life that needed to pay attention. Thank you nd Godbless bless!

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  • Kathy 01/25/2016, 7:46 AM

    hello my name is Kathy I have been quoting the Scriptures and getting a lot of the three I was tormented for a week with past memories it was awful but I have been taking authority over the forces of darknessI have neuropathy and arthritis and sciatica order my the blood of Jesus Christ who lives in me I was totally healed also my son has been reading the Bible and praying everyday after many yearsof being backslidden I believe and I know for a fact Satan is angry very angry in fact furious so he is attacking my mind but I have the victory in Christ thank you so muchfor putting this online god bless you I really needed it

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    • Jan Smith 01/29/2016, 3:06 PM

      Thanks for sharing your story, Amanda. Satan is indeed angry, but all he can do to us is scream threats from inside the cage he’s in. Continue to be aware of him, but do not fear him because God is protecting you and will continue to do so.

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  • John 01/24/2016, 9:06 PM

    I choose to live. I choose to submit to God. Thank you

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  • stacey 01/16/2016, 5:22 PM

    Love your reading has really b leased my spirit. Thank you.

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  • Martine 01/08/2016, 11:12 PM

    I thank God to finally find a solution and the permanent one. I thank you too. God bless you.

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  • Katie Green 01/03/2016, 10:53 AM

    I can’t thank you enough for this post! I have felt so condemned for the last 6 years, when all the torment in my mind started. It’s a long story, but I’m 99% sure the horrific thought that came into my mind was from the devil, and I completely freaked out by acting like it was my own. Ever since, I have struggled with feeling like a horrible person, even though I know I’m in Christ. The world wants to always label these issues as mental illness, like “OCD”, which sounds like it’s caused by gut issues anyway, but it’s so cruel to tell a person they can’t help unwanted thoughts. I choose to believe I can. I believe it’s the enemy who wants people to think this issue is mental illness, so people are trapped in their own horrible prison of unwanted thoughts. God bless you!

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  • Candace wagner 12/25/2015, 2:23 AM

    Great information to know helped out so much

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  • Michael 12/20/2015, 1:30 PM


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  • Catherine 11/13/2015, 6:21 PM

    Wow ! I love my church but I am at a loss to know why they said this is what you must do but no one ever explained how to do it. I feel like the bindings are starting to loosen. Now the work begins and for the first time in a very long, long time, I feel some Joy and Hope. This time though they are real and I feel will stay with me. I can’t thank you enough for this TRUTH from your entire site ! God Bless You Always ! P.S. Do you take donations via mail at the New Brighton address? Thank you

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    • Jan Smith 11/13/2015, 7:27 PM

      Hi, Catherine,
      I’v become aware over time that churches give people lots of “what” but not much “how”. Anyway, God poured all of this into me over a long period of time. Many hard times when I lost all but house and (old) car. Now it’s my privilege to pour it out to others. I can’t “NOT do it”! I just gotta help. That’s what we’re here for, right?

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  • tina 10/29/2015, 3:23 PM

    I have been dealing with negative thoughts all my life ….god is at work in me….he is amazing lately he’s been showing me that I can’t do it on my own to surrender to him …but after awhile I get inpatient and try to o fix it with my own thinking and he always brings me back to trusting him with all my heart ….i didn’t realize what I was doing was trying to get rid of thoughts with more thoughts….but god is great and brought it to light ….I know now it’s not me making them go away by my thinking but it’s God’s word cuz his word has power cuz he is strength…And Satan’s lies are lies and can’t do nothing against God’s word which is truth……so now I will look to the truth God’s word and use it ….it’s amazing how god teaches us and changes us when we look to him…Satan is really annoying but he isn’t my final my final is god…he is my victory ….praise god

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  • Jasmine 10/29/2015, 10:25 AM

    I just wanted to say thank you, I have taken these verses to heart. Today is a new beginning in learning how to try and read verses. I came across this site from a dream I had last night which I could not fully understand. I think it was another evil entity trying to attach to me since I naturally astral project and have been dealing with these things for years.
    I woke up to a very loud and painful sound the closest thing I can sounded it out to was of that of a rattle snake sound, I opened my eyes to some dark cloud type shadow on my chest, trying to suck the life out of me; as I could feel it doing so. Or it seemed I’m very positive of what I felt. I tried to get it off me but it paralyzed me. I could barely move my hands. I did not fear it as I’m used to these entities. However my mind kept saying the words “Alchemy” a word I have never heard in my life.
    I started meditating and praying on a daily basis and nothing angers me at this point anymore. Each time I meditate and I drift off or dream I cleanse myself with Archangel Michael. I do understand the attacks will probably get worse than lessen due to the fact that I’m getting more and more connected to god. I was a troubled person all my life and know that I’m in my mid 30’s things are shifting. I also found out that I possess a Master number 11 which is why I understand now why my life has been so hard just wanted to share this if someone shares the same reoccurring incidents.
    “God is more powerful than what people think” after so long the only person that brings me peace is god.

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  • Battle Glory 2 Hack 10/23/2015, 4:28 AM

    Greetings from Idaho! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to
    check out your website on my iphone during lunch break.
    I enjoy the knowledge you provide here and
    can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m amazed
    at how quick your blog loaded on my cell phone .. I’m not
    even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, good blog!

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    • Jan Smith 10/25/2015, 7:05 PM

      Greetings back to you from Minnesota!
      I’m glad you looked at my site on your lunch break and not during work time. And of course I’m glad you found my writing to be helpful.
      The loading speed probably varies depending on how much traffic there in the internet. Thanks for visiting Word Blessings.

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  • lili 10/11/2015, 1:49 PM

    Thank you so much for your wonderful solution. I had this really bad case of Satan’s name popping up in my thought repeatedly. Ironically it all began when I read Pope Francis’s homily about knowing where our thoughts come from (God or Satan). It was so annoying and unstoppable that it almost popped up in my head in church. I tried very hard to stop his name from letting me betray Jesus and I prayed for the Lord’s forgiveness and help. And so I thank you deeply and God from the very bottom of my heart. All the best and may God bless you!!??

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    • Jan Smith 10/16/2015, 4:25 PM

      As you probably know by now, Lilli, if you just keep trying very hard, it works for a little while. But by your own strength, you can’t keep trying hard enough for very long. So that’s why we all need to partner with God. He does the “heavy lifting” for us.
      It’s like when you drive your car. If you just keep on saying, “There’s lots curves in the road ahead, and I sure hope this car can turn the corners in time to avoid a crash.” The car won’t turn by itself, but once you act by turning the steering wheel, the mechanism know as “power steering” does the work of turning the wheels. And you drive safely along the road.

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    • Jan Smith 10/27/2015, 12:05 PM

      Jill, if you would put some of God’s Word into your mind, then you would be able to use the power of God’s Word to combat those thoughts.

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  • Amazinggg 10/01/2015, 11:31 AM

    Truly and honestly changed me!!! I dealth with serious unwanted shamefull thoughts when praying to god , and it made me depressed and it kinda drove me away from god for a while. But I didn’t give up and hence I found your life changing article. For me the key is really to surrender to God . Once committing yourself spiritually, and fully trust in God no matter what, you start to feel the change…..Thank you so much for your work!!! You are an amazing person for doing so and helping people to get to the right way (consider me one of them)!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙂

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    • Jan Smith 10/04/2015, 3:21 PM

      You’re most welcome! Understand, though, it’s not me; it’s Him. I’m just the guy sitting at the computer wishing to be obedient and pour out to others what He has poured into me.

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  • Benjamin Binnah 09/06/2015, 10:33 PM

    Thanks soo much for such a life transforming article. You were really inspired by the Holy Spirit to write such an article and may the spirit of the living God continue to guide and encourage you to do more.Am really grateful and would love to support the good work you are doing for christ.

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    • Jan Smith 09/10/2015, 10:37 AM

      Thank you SO MUCH for those kind words, Ben. It so strengthens my courage and my determination when I see how God us using this blog to help others.

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  • Courtney 07/17/2015, 8:29 PM

    I have been dealing with unwanted thoughts in my head for the past week saying that God and Jesus isn’t real. I know these thoughts are from Satan and everytime I try to fight back the unwanted thoughts its like Satan pushes back twice as hard. Everytime I get those bad thoughts in my head it causes a great stabbing pain in my heart. I’ve ask Jesus to forgive me because I thought he was mad at me and even cryed out to him for help. I just felt desperate! I didn’t want to turn my back on Christ because I have just asked him into my life a couple of months ago. I haven’t been baptized yet but I plan on doing so as soon as possible so I can be a true follower of Christ because I saved from my sinfull life by the grace of GOD! I then thought about Job and the trials he went through in his life when he lost everything but was still faithful to GOD. So this is just a trial in my life that is testing my faith in GOD and I plan on winning that battle with the power of his word! GOD bless you Jan! Your article on how to defeat the Devil helped me out a lot!

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    • Jan Smith 07/21/2015, 10:41 AM

      Ahhh Courtney! What a great testimony! I can tell that you see how it works. You have been doing what Paul urged when he wrote in Ephesians 6:17 about “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”. And now others who read your comment will be encouraged and blessed and realize that God will really help you. It’s like Satan is scurrying around on the sea of life in a little paddle boat, screaming his lies … but you are commanding the Battleship Missouri

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  • Jaly 07/15/2015, 2:41 AM

    Jan, I feel such hope reading this. I have struggled with unwanted thoughts since childhood and have experienced disappointment and fear at times that I possibly wasn’t saved, because I was able to have such thoughts. I really love God and confess Jesus is Lord. I hate that I could have such thoughts. I ask that you would pray for me as well in this mind battle, that I submit it to Him in the way He calls. In the past I’ve tried to “give”various struggles over to Him but it didn’t seem that I really did, even though I thought by saying it I was. Thank you so much for your brotherly love to help us other struggling sheep out there and encourage us to keep running the race.

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    • Jan Smith 07/15/2015, 7:54 AM

      Hi, Jaly. Thanks for your kind words. I did pray for you this morning. I don’t know if this will encourage you, but I struggle with this like everyone else. I was attacked even this morning. Not hard to imagine; the devil hates me because I’m writing all these things that unmask him as the bully that he is. I followed my own advice (which is really applying the power of the Word of God against the devil) and he gave up — for now. but it’s so good to read messages like yours that let me know I’m making a difference in the lives of others.

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  • zama 06/27/2015, 1:23 AM

    i tnk god 2 direct me in dis article,i lyk ur words ..keep it up…god bless u…….i hv thoughts dat cumz in my mind and i dnt knw whr it cumz frm…

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    • Jan Smith 07/04/2015, 4:40 PM

      Hi Zama. I see you were reading my article about unwanted thoughts. I hope you will do what it says. It’s God’s power at work in you. Without Him you can’t do it on your own.

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  • Frances Sarto 06/07/2015, 3:07 PM

    I really appreciate your program. I am 75 years old and I have been having these unwanted thoughts since I was 5 years old. I have been in Church all my life and I gave my heart to the Lord years ago. I am going to try what you suggested in this program. God Bless you.

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    • Jan Smith 07/04/2015, 4:46 PM

      Frances, I want you to know that I’m 72, so I can relate to you. All that stuff never goes away — unless you use the power of God’s Word to help. It really works.

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  • Monday 06/04/2015, 3:57 AM

    Thanks so much for your time gesture. What don’t mean to having a dream share a drink into three parts on a flat plate, and one part for me the second for my love who i want to marry and the last which the third i don’t know who have that.

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  • Kayona Louis 03/30/2015, 6:21 PM

    Hello Jan, this article was a blessing tonne. I feel as if this article really will help me. I plan to do exactly want it says to do. You know a lot about the Word of God. You just gave me the motivation I need to continue on trusting and believing and having faith.

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    • Jan Smith 04/03/2015, 2:22 PM

      Kayone, Thanks for writing. You are a blessing back to me. My hope for you is that you will stick to your plan to “do what it says to do.” You can can never go wrong by trusting and believing in God.

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  • Connie 03/20/2015, 7:41 PM

    Thank-you this is helping me

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    • Jan Smith 03/20/2015, 9:13 PM

      Connie, it thrills my heart to be able to help others in this way. I hope this article and others will all you to be free from tormenting thoughts. The devil is powerful, but God’s Word is infinitely stronger!

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  • Sarah 02/15/2015, 8:27 PM

    Thanks so much Jan smith, I’ve recently realized I’m at spiritual warfare. I’ve always have had a hard time getting these evil thoughts out of my head, and now I will look to these scriptures when ever I am scared. I’ve wrote them down on notecards ( and St. Michael prayers) and will keep these with me at all times. I’m still pretty young, in high school, but I’ll be able to slip them into my vision, if needed.

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    • Jan Smith 02/17/2015, 9:23 AM

      Hi, Sarah,
      How wonderful it is to read your comment and see how you are responding to God’w Word. I’m impressed that you took action by writing the verses on cards so you can peek at them when you need them.
      I would urge you to spend time committing those verses to memory. It’s not hard to do, especially at your age. If I can memorize Scripture at age 72, you can to it too. Someone could take away your cards, but once you have them in your mind, they can’t take them away from you.

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  • chakras 02/14/2015, 6:32 AM

    Essayez la méditation de la leçon 6 qui vous permettra
    entre-autres de libérer le canal d’énergie droit.

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    • Jan Smith 02/25/2015, 9:52 AM

      Google translates the comment to English like this:

      Try meditation lesson 6 that will allow
      among others the right to free energy channel.

      I’m not sure what the writer is trying to say, but I will leave the comment in hope that someone will be blessed by it.
      ~ Jan

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  • Cesar 01/16/2015, 4:31 PM

    Jan Smith Thank you it’s a very powerful message all the Glory to the one & only savior Jesus Christ.have to be honest with you the tormenting thoughts creep up in my mind every single day,they won’t leave me alone Thank you for letting everyone know what to do in these rough times.The lord is with us and we have to learn to follow his word cause hi’s word is truth,and we must learn scripture i will study scripture.God is the only way I truly hope everybody comes to Christ he’s the only way Thank you and God Bless!!!!

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    • Jan Smith 02/12/2015, 10:58 AM

      Cesar, I think you just wrote a summary of the things I’m trying to say on Word Blessings! Regarding your statement about the tormenting thoughts, you just wrote a good lesson on what to do. So now, as you do what you know to do, you will see God move toward you and shield you from all that. His Holy Spirit will be the gatekeeper of your mind. This really happens!
      Blessings back to you! ~ Jan

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  • henry 12/14/2014, 10:17 AM

    i hv been struggling with porn and stealing, i wish i could make it stop, believe me i have tried

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  • Delilah 11/30/2014, 6:39 AM

    Hi! The struggles with my thoughs are thoughs of my husband (ex-husband but standing for marriage restoration) with his new girlfriend. He divorced me for her the divorce was final on Oct 31st and already he has met the parents of the OW. I am being tormented with thoughs of them and what they are doing while I am seating at home suffering. Just came back from a great church service and decided to goggle tormenting thoughts and your site came up. Thank you for putting this together. I will apply these principles.

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    • Jan Smith 12/01/2014, 9:19 PM

      Delilah, this is gonna seem weird, but the truth is, the best thing you can do is forgive them. I know, that sounds impossible. But start saying, “Lord, I forgive and . I release them to the court of Heaven. I know there cannot be two judges on a case, and You, Lord, are the best judge. I release all my anger, anguish, fears, and all emotions to You. Thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for being with me as I go through this.”
      Delilah, you have to make yourself say things like that. When you do, Jesus will take your burden. He will! ~ Jan

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  • Bonita 11/12/2014, 2:18 AM

    Hello, this weekend is pleasant in support of me, as this occasion i am reading this wonderful educational post here at my house.

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  • Cassandra 09/08/2014, 4:48 PM

    Hi, I do think this is ann xcellent site. I stumbledupon it
    😉 I may return once again since I book marked it.
    Money and freerom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to help others.

    Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 09/08/2014, 6:27 PM

      I’m glad you like what I’ve done here. Thank you!

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  • informant pro 09/08/2014, 2:27 AM

    I have to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this site.
    I really hope to see the same high-grade blog posts from you later
    on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own, personal website now 😉

    Reply Link
    • Jan Smith 09/08/2014, 6:27 PM

      If you start a blog let me know. I’d like to see it.

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  • Stephanie Goodman 08/13/2014, 3:06 AM

    I like it how you respond to all of your comments! Hoping to stop by again sometime and leave more feedback… once I know what to say.

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    • Jan Smith 08/14/2014, 8:57 PM

      Hi, Stephanie,
      I like to think of it as a conversation with like-minded friends. ~ Jan

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  • Aurora 06/18/2014, 3:15 PM

    This really helped me! I have been having some unwanted thoughts and they give me anxiety.I pray to God every chance I get that he will take these thoughts away from me and free me from the devils schemes. I ask that you all pray for me and I will do the same

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    • Jan Smith 06/19/2014, 6:10 PM

      Aurora, I’m really glad to see that God’s Word has helped you. That’s why He gave it to us, right? ~ Jan

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  • ebony 05/18/2014, 3:07 PM

    I am overwhelmed with these horrible sexual unwanted thoughts. My counselor told me that these thought have nothing to do with god and that medication and meditation can help the problem. I was pretty confused becuz I grew up a Christian and god can help u threw anything. So her little 2 cents actually shocked me becuz I’m thinking wow she’s a counselor I’m sure she believes in god. But it steered me the other direction. But ur post is very interesting and I’m willing to give myself to god because I see Satan is really trying to take over me and I dislike it to the upmost. I thank god for helping me find your post and I will read this post to my family as well. Thanks again.

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    • Jan Smith 05/18/2014, 5:28 PM

      Hello, Ebony,
      It’s no “accident” at all that you found my article on getting unwanted thoughts. I’ve asked God to direct people to these posts. He knows who needs to read them.
      Your counselor is obviously not a Christian. Counselors do the best they can with what they have, but it’s no surprise to me that they would say it has nothing to do with God. I don’t know the person’s heart (God does, of course), but some of them are hoping to keep you coming back regularly for years.
      God’s wisdom is free! It’s in your Bible, and it works. You know why? Because He is behind it. The minute you turn to Him and begin speaking His Word, the devil runs just as cockroaches do when you turn on the light. Demons are bullies, and they love to pick on people who don’t know what’s really going on.
      If you want to read mo own rather dramatic story of how speaking God’s Word as the devil was trying to inflict a panic attack on me, read my article, The Night I Stood Up To The Devil.
      God’s Word has power built into it. This isn’t like in the movies where they do it with special effects. God is the real deal.
      Open your Bible and read Philippians 4: 4-7. Paul talks about rejoicing always and being anxious for nothing. You can have that! I have it, and you can too!
      But you have a part in the process. Your part is to put even a little bit of God’s Word into your mind, then into your heart. Read more of my posts here. Go to the Blog index and do some homework. These things will help you, because every article is based solidly on the Word of God.
      ~ Jan

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  • Louise 05/12/2014, 8:29 AM

    Your blog is absolutely amazing!!!!
    Praise God.
    Thank you so much,
    It has brought me such revelation!!!

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    • Louise 05/12/2014, 8:32 AM

      Your blog is absolutely amazing!!!!
      Praise God.
      Thank you so much,
      It has brought me such revelation!!!

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    • Jan Smith 05/12/2014, 11:28 AM

      Thanks for kind words, Louise.

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  • Jack 04/18/2014, 1:55 PM

    Thanks for a great post! God bless you! and you are doing a great work for the fellow christians to help them oversome these sort of problems living in this sinful world.

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    • Jan Smith 04/18/2014, 2:47 PM

      Jack, thanks for taking time to write a comment. I’m encouraged to keep on writing, knowing that it’s helping others. ~ Jan

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  • sarah 04/09/2014, 6:30 PM

    I know God directed me here to this site…I believe he has been with me alot lately..and I truly believe that God works in ways that may not always make sense and that he has the power to help us through anything!! And that you have opened my eyes with your words…and I wanted to say thanks for helping me see that there is a end to the evil around me and that I have never been closer to having peace in my life again…thankful I found your kind words..God bless us all!!!

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    • Jan Smith 04/09/2014, 9:36 PM

      Thanks for your heart-felt words, Sarah. It encourages me to read comments that show that people are connecting with God and tapping into His awesome power, and that somehow something I wrote is a part of that. That’s why I’m doing it. I can’t NOT write and share the hard-won wisdom God has given to me. Actually, I believe that’s why He give it to me: so I could give it out to others. ~ Jan

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  • alan west 04/06/2014, 2:01 AM

    Hi Jan I am thankful to you to have been inspired by God to write this .I shall use it and go through the scriptures you have listed ,I am sure its going to help mightily in my walk with God.
    Love in Christ,
    Alan West

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    • Jan Smith 04/06/2014, 2:37 PM

      Alan, thanks for your kind words. It’s encouraging to me to see that people are actually reading these things I write, and find them helpful.
      ~ Jan

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  • theresa 02/27/2014, 10:35 AM

    thank you… I thank God for directing me t
    here also. I been looking for explanations
    and. thought I was going nuts.. I will do as it
    says inthe word.. I BELIEVE AND I WILL RECEIVE.

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  • Marily 03/23/2013, 10:43 AM

    I believe with my whole heart that God has directed me to this post. God bless you, I’m so exited!

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