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The Story Of The Book Cover

Years ago, our daughter Jenni lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. In April of 2010, Joanne and I flew to Fairbanks to visit her.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting: As you probably know, Alaska is a huge state. In the interior of Alaska is a large park named “Denali National Park”. During the summer season, visitors can only drive a few miles into the park.

The park people have a lottery system where, at the end of the summer season, you could for a winning $10 ticket, drive all the way to the end of the road. It’s a 90 mile drive. (I said Alaska was huge!)
Anyway, unknown to me at the time, Joanne had bought a lottery ticket. And–would you believe it–she won the lottery! Only 100 people were allowed to drive to the end of the road.

My Book, “How You Can Live Victoriously” is available for you to buy. You will be able to get a copy of my book from Xulon Press. On the page there is a link Xulon Press. Find out how much my book costs, what size it is, and how many pages are in it.

Read The story

Jesus Has Infinite Power

I’m asking you to take a step of faith and trust me.
You will never again think of our savior , Jesus, In the same way!
Learn about how there is enough power in 1 teaspoonful of water to drive an oceangoing ship from New York to Liverpool.

Read The Story

Current Event: COVID-19 Protection!

At 6:00 AM on May 27, 2020 I sent out an email to my list of subscribers. In the article I was featuring that day, I showed how there are 26 promises from the God that protect us from deadly organisms [read: “COVID-19”] in Psalm 91. We are being tested. God is watching to see who will take Him seriously. 26 promises! God is taking this seriously, and so should we. Here’s our chance to show those who think that the Bible is irrelevant in our world today, just how helpful Bible wisdom is in today’s world. Maybe you can persuade an unbeliever to reconsider their point of view. It’s worth a try. It’s not a long article. And by the way, on the day I sent out the email, this article got more “views” than all the others, even the top two that you see listed below.

Spiritual Warfare Articles

These articles will equip you to stand against the lies, deceptions, and overwhelming feelings of fear, doubt, worry, and panic attacks that Satan and his legions of demons are slamming you with! Learn how to fight back – and WIN!!

The Angelic Conflict Story

These are a series of articles that tell the story of how – in eternity past – the highest-ranking angel, Lucifer, chose to rebel against God. If Lucifer had not rebelled, but instead had chosen to continue to serve God, the universe and the entire human race would never have existed! We wouldn’t be here. It’s all in the Bible. You MUST read these articles!


My book, “How You Can Live Victoriously” has several chapters dedicated to doing Scripture memory.
So, with Scripture memory in mind, I have set up a page where you can go to and download PDF files containing pages of Scripture cards that you can download and print. Best of all It’s all FREE!


Scripture Memory Articles

We are all born into a war zone. We had nothing to do with starting the battle, but we cannot escape from it. So, in order to keep our enemy from destroying our lives, we need to learn how to fight! Fortunately, we have the ultimate weapon: the Word of God. A Christian without Scripture is no better off than a civilian in the raging battle of this world! Get equipped! It’s easier than the devil would have you believe.

#1) Why I Dedicated this book to my Wife, Joanne
#2) There are three names on the acknowledgment page that you don’t know
#3)The slush pile
The Two Most Popular Articles

This article has been read over 332,000 times. When you read it, take a few minutes to read the comments from previous readers. A very few are negative. The vast majority of their comments express an attitude of being thankful. You likely won’t read all of the comments, because there are over 330 comments.

What The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Know

This next article has been read over 175,000 times! This article will show you how to “take thoughts captive”, so that Satan and his legions of demons will no longer be able to put their thoughts into your mind.
Also, regarding the comments– readers have made over 400 comments on this article.

How To Eliminate Unwanted Thoughts

Financial Stewardship Audio Messages

Let’s just keep it simple: God owns everything; we are stewards of all that He has given to us. Ultimately, He provided all of it.

Catholic Church Scandals Audio Messages

These audio messages will be shocking to to some of you, depending on your background. I myself was brought up from childhood in the Catholic Church, believing that everything the Catholic Church leaders said was true. But history shows that they have deliberately lied to us! Listen to these audio messages and you’ll hear what history really teaches about the Catholic Church, the popes, and the Vatican.

Dr. Tony Evans preaches a message entitled, “The Secret Of The Seed”
Essentially, what an appetizer is to a full meal, a sermon is to the application.

Let’s lighten up a bit as we listen to a preacher as he strains to describe Jesus. Feel free to laugh along with his congregation!

Bible preacher S.M Lockeridge describes the King of Kings

Here’s something you’ll really enjoy listening to!
Listen as Bible preacher S.M Lockeridge describes the King of Kings. Here’s a man who truly does know God.

The title of his message is “My King”, and it’s less than 5 minutes long.